5 “Difficult facts” about marriage. Most people learn in the difficult way

Marriage is one of The most rewarding yet Tough trips In life. While we often enter it with high expectations, the reality is that marriage is a lifelong educational process.

your psychologist Whoever studies husbands every day, I have worked with many people who only understand the most difficult marriage lessons after being conflict, disappointment or divorce.

If you can accept these difficult five facts about marriage now, you would likely have a happy and successful relationship:

1. Love alone is not enough to collect marriage together.

2. You will fight … a lot.

One of the biggest misconceptions about marriage is that people who really agree not to argue. But not only the conflict is inevitable, but it is also necessary. In fact, it is possible that the absence of conflict means that important issues are washed away under the carpet.

It is not the fighting that harms relationships – it's how Couples choose to deal with their differences. The healthy conflict can bring the partner by opening the door to deep and meaningful conversations about needs and needs, which can then lead to problem solving.

My advice is to learn how to fight fairly. No games games, there are no personal attacks or personal attacks. Create a safe space where you can be honest and open without judgment.

3. Your partner will not meet – nor can – all your needs.

Many people enter a marriage thinking that their husband will be “everything”-the best friend of them, the emotional support system, a fan reader and a problem solving. Although it is normal for us to rely on each other for support, expecting someone to meet all your needs is unrealistic.

Healthy husbands realize the importance of individual. This means maintaining individual interests, friendships and goals. Caring for a strong feeling outside of marriage helps prevent resentment and maintain the relationship from feeling suffocating.

Always remember that the flourishing relationship is based on two full integrated people – not two halves trying to complete each other.

4. Without continuous maintenance, your marriage will collapse.

Many couples reduce the amount of work required by healthy marriage.

The honeymoon stage may feel effortlessly, but over time, the responsibilities of life – work, children, financial resources, and health – often put the relationship in the priority list.

You must have regular examination recordings and a planned quality together. Just as you do not expect a car to work forever without maintenance, you cannot expect marriage to flourish without fixed care.

5. You will change individually.

I am an American, I live in a luxury apartment worth $ 2,100 a month in Copenhagen, Denmark

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