8 legends of meat diet revealed by the researcher

Meat lovers have long supported a “meat diet”, a meal plan that includes only animal products consuming meat, dairy and eggs-but the program is reprehensible by some who adopt plant foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes.

Nick Norwitz, a Harvard Medical Student, released a segmental clip where eight legends surrounding B. Meat. (See the video at the top of this article.)

Norweitz-who is a “academic”, told a doctoral degree in metabolism, which is currently finishing his medical news Digital that he had always had a passion for the participation of “joy and interest” In science.

Researchers claim that red meat may raise the danger of dementia

See the eight Nuritz myths below – followed by the inputs and perspective of other health experts.

Legend No. 1: There is no evidence of meat diet

Norweitz noted that there are many research studies that explain the benefits of the meat -eating system, including Harvard's study, which included 2029 participants who found “high levels of satisfaction and improvements in public health, luxury and various medical conditions.”

He said that other research conducted by Norweitz himself showed that the diet helped relieve inflammatory bowel disease and restricted eating disorders.

Meat animal diet was exposed

Nick Norwitz, a Harvard Medical Student, released a video in which he commissioned eight legends surrounding the meat -eating system. (Nick Nurwitz)

While the results were “impressive” and claimed that thousands of people benefited from MeatNorweitz indicated that no evidences have been conducted.

“These experiments will need to be completed before traditional medicine recommends a meat diet as metabolic health prevention of any specific disorder,” he says in the video.

Legend No. 2: Diet increases the risk of scurvy

Norwitz said that following a meat system could increase the risk of developing vitamin C.

“Although it is difficult to meet the daily RDA dose from 75 to 90 milligrams of vitamin C by eating meat only, there are about 25 micrograms per gram of vitamin C in fresh beef fed by the grass, so eating about 2 pounds of Meat should give you a day about 18 milligrams of vitamin C. “

Meat “cheating meals” between vegetarians and vegetarians “is more common than you may think”

Although this is still much lower than the recommended daily amount, Norwitz continued, “This does not necessarily mean that one develops vitamin C deficiency or the associated medical condition, which is the scurvy.”

When Norwitz himself tried a meat diet for six months, then tested vitamin C levels, he found it as normal, and even on its borders. The flag is explained behind this leads to the video.

Legend No. 3: The lack of fibers will lead to constipation

Although it is correct that the majority of the nutrition that a person consumes on the meat system will be absorbed into the small intestine, which leads to a general decrease in the stool block, “will remain a tube”, Nurwitz said in the video.

“Some studies indicate that getting rid of fiber can actually help manage symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome with constipation,” he added.

Nick Norwitz follow a diet

Norweitz (left) noted that there are many research studies that show the benefits of heat diet. (Istock)

This does not mean that the fibers are bad or that long -term zero fiber diets will not have negative consequences for the microbium, as he indicated.

He said: “Your microbium is the most flexible and healthy when it is varied.” “There is a lot, like me, who feel better in low or without fiber, so it is a legitimate individual option.”

Legend No. 4: Carlivore Diet will harm sporting performance

Norwitz opposes this claim, noting that with the body's adaptation with the restriction of carbohydrates, the ability to burn fat increases.

“A new study of the athletes Iron man has exposed the idea that the body needs a large amount of carbohydrates during an intense practice to maintain the peak of performance,” he said.

“Your microbium is generally more elastic and healthy when they are diverse.”

Nurwitz goes to more details about the relationship between diet and sporty performance in his video, as well as another doctor.

Legend No. 5: Diet will lead to heart attacks

While Nurwitz admits that a diet rich in red meat and saturated fat can be My heartThe impact of the meat system that affects these levels is “very individual”.

A woman eating a steak

Norwitz recommends that people track vital indicators and consider their individual conditions instead of making assumptions. “I do not say the Messenger of the risks – I say that I report your personal risk.” (Istock)

“Even some people see a decrease in cholesterol in LDL and APOB, and many do not see any change,” says in the video.

There are many risk factors for heart disease Behind cholesterolNotice Nurwitz. These include visceral fats, insulin resistance, triglycerides and HDL, all of which can actually be improved on low -carb meals.

“I went in a vegetarian diet and my cholesterol rose – that is why this is.”

He said: “So the meat system does not implicitly increase the risk of heart disease – but the bottom line here is that different people respond differently.”

Norwitz recommends that people track vital indicators and consider their individual conditions instead of making assumptions. “I do not say the Messenger of the risks – I say that I report your personal risk.”

Legend No. 6: Meat Animal System is an eating disorder

Norweitz pointed out that eating disorders are defined as “restricted eating patterns that weaken physical or mental health.”

So, if a person is treated or gone into a remission of a chronic disease that notes – whether it is obesity, diabetes, depression, schizophrenia, Inflammatory Using a meat system, it was clear that the diet had a positive effect on physical or mental health and not an eating disorder by definition. “

Nick Nurwitz

In general, the researcher said, although the meat system may be useful for some, it is not necessarily the best option for everyone – this does not mean that fibers or fruits are bad, or that another person cannot succeed in the factory – upright or even a system Food is vegetarian. (Nick Nurwitz)

Instead, Nurwitz said it should be considered a “adaptive eating pattern.”

“Not eating usually does not represent an eating disorder – in fact, I say that the standard American eating patterns can reflect themselves as a form of eating disorder,” he said.

Legend No. 7: Following a heavy meat diet is bad for the brain

After recent research indicating that eating red meat is associated with dementia, Nurwitz said this data is “misleading.”

He pointed out that the concerned study gathered between different types of food, adding that there is a “tremendous bias for the health user.”

“I feel that the meat system is misunderstood, and that red meat and animal -based foods often get an unfair scapegoat.”

“Participants who consumed more red meat had the high rate of current smoking, high blood pressure (high blood pressure), diabetes, and low levels of food quality education, social and economic condition, Physical activityNorwitz says in the video.

In fact, he adds: “Eating non -equipped red meat was not linked to dementia or cognitive retreat – only eating processed red meat, but this was somewhat overlooked in the same study.”

Legend No. 8: Heat diet is for everyone

In general, the researcher said, although the meat system may be useful for some, it is not necessarily the best option for everyone – this does not mean that fibers or fruits are bad, or that another person cannot succeed in the factory – upright or even a system Food is vegetarian.

Norweitz said the diet calls for “more scientific exploration.”

A man eating a steak

Norweatz said that there is no “one size that suits the” dietary solution “, although it indicated that the heat diet” is misunderstood “and” an unfair scapegoat. “ (Istock)

Norweitz said that there is no “one size that suits all” food solution “, adding that” the context and the nuances are necessary. ”

“However, I feel that the meat system is misunderstood, red meat and Animal foods I often get an unfair scale and threw under the “big food bus”. “

Doctors give an insight into a meat system

Dr. Mark Segel, Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York University, Langon Health and Fox News, Medical Ideas, shared ideas about meat animal diet with Fox News Digital.

“The advantage is that meat is a high -calorie source of fat and a lot of protein, so it can help you lose weight,” he said. “But I think it is unhealthy. Many saturated animal fats are bad for the heart and the diet is high in cholesterol.”

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Instead, Siegel recommends choosing Following a Mediterranean dietIt is heavy in vegetables, nuts and olive oil. “Thanks to unsaturated fats and antioxidants, it is more healthy,” he said.

Dr. Georgia Ed, a psychiatrist accredited by Harvard's Board of Directors, specialized in dietary psychiatry and metabolism, said that she found that meat animal meals are “indispensable tools” in her clinical practice.

The diet is likely to help identify nutritional sensitivity, solve chronic constipation, symptoms of nerve colon, calm food addiction, eating, and breakage Plastic weight lossAccording to the hands.

The barbecue is hamburger

“Meat, seafood, poultry and eggs are the safest, healthy and most nutritious foods we can eat,” one of the doctors told Fox News Digital. (Istock)

“The hypothesis that meat is dangerous to human health has pushed a long and emotional hunt for evidence against the meat that has not yet appeared in the empty -handed,” the doctor, who is also author “changing your diet, changes your opinion,” tell the Fox News Digital.

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“In my research, I have not yet found a reliable and reasonable healthy argument against the meat of any kind, red or otherwise, in the human diet,” I continued.

“Meat, seafood, poultry and eggs are the most secure and healthy, Most food foods We can eat. “

“It is not possible to say with scientific certainty if this diet … is perfect for everyone.”

Ed added, “It cannot be said with scientific certainty whether this diet (or any food pattern, in this regard) is perfect for everyone, but my clinical and personal experience tells me that a well -broken meat system can be uniquely healing for some of us.”

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The doctor admitted that the commitment to the presence of meat is possible challenges.

“These include boredom potential that can come from the relative lack of diversity, social challenges to eat in a way that may make others feel uncomfortable, and the logistical challenges of finding meat, seafood, poultry and/or eggs prepared simply enough to be suitable for diet, especially When traveling or eating in the homes of others, “she told Fox News Digital.

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