I have been in antibiotics for a bacterial infection yesterday and this should make me feel faster than previous experiences. I'm talking about the symptoms I have reported too Last article. It turned out that I didn't feel better until last Monday, but I was sure what happened until then, so I texted my doctor. He sent me for a test on the same day and we got the results on Wednesday. This can take weeks to see a specialist for the medical system these days, but fortunately I didn't have to see him personally, and he answers messages very quickly.
/* TMI warning
For some of the next paragraph, it may be the TMI about medical problems, so do not hesitate to jump.
This turned out to be a recurrence urinary tract infection I came back in 2021. Since then, I had no problems with my anatomy's region. The procedure I spent in 2022. After this tour of infection has been thrown within a few days, I will follow my doctor (urologist) to find out what is going wrong. One or more Urolyift The procedure that could be fixed in a minimally invasive procedure was taken back. Alternatively, I can enter a more relevant procedure Radish It would be more permanent. We'il see what my urologist thinks. Que Sera, Sera.
/* TMI warning
Now it's been a week not to feel 100%. During this time, most of the days I was able to make 30 minutes of driving, each of them is good to maintain power for a short time with a short session for a force training for lower and upper bodies. Soon I will feel good enough to start increasing time. But crossing things like this always makes me think about something. I make most of my education difficult. I talked about Polarized training In the past, but my favorite comment Clarence Bass's The thumb rule is orum I walk and run, I do not do anything between them ”. For this reason, this means rapid walks between most days, short but intense force training 1 day and short but intense cardio. In my case, most days are supported for a little longer for a little longer, rarely supported by short intensive training days (bicycle strength training and spacing and sprints). This is what I always started. But over time, I get away from it by being attractive to extend the speed of easy days or to extend the need to be short busy days. Time to reset.
In particular, I need to remember that the main purpose of longer exposure is relaxation. This has been shown in a fun way Youtube video I found it on the “A Bike to escape” channel:
Easy to relax is fun about the bicycle and the landscape in the Netherlands is beautiful and the Dutch bicycle infrastructure is amazing. But I can find a similar relief on bicycle paths or quieter roads near you.