This new ti microcontroller is the size of a black pepper flake

Texas instrument says Mcu the size of a black pepper flake.

The MCU packaging is just 1.38 square millimeters in the size and part of the company's arm cortex line of emerged designs. Ti said the product is aimed at small products including medical wearables, earbuds, stylus pens and electric toothbrushes. Includes in product a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter and with 16kb of flash memory and 1kb of sram and running at 24MHz.

The small device is known as MSPM0C1104. Unfortunately, that is as attractive -as it gets (no pepper for this tech piece).

Ti said the microcontroller costs 20 cents per unit in a volume of 1,000, which means that a company can obtain an army of a robot spider project that started a little over $ 200. Emerged world 2025 In Nuremberg, Germany.

Opening up opportunities

William Luk.

“One of the essential verticals for micro-apparatus is in health and surgical care: smart pills, embedded sensors, or even surgical devices that can reach areas as usual,” Luk said.

Luk also said the change may be sufficient to move instruments to Texas to the chain of MCU developers currently dominated by Stmicroelectronics, Infineon, NXP, microchip and Renesas Electronics.

“In the new Ti MCU, we will see a new class of excess micro-devices that not only target consumers but commercial use (such as health care). But there are also challenges such as government approval (for medical devices).

Correction, March 14: An earlier version of this story is incorrectly listed the cost of the microcontroller. It costs 20 cents per unit.

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