According to the pulled children of Massachusetts from schools, for fear of deportation

He claims that thousands of parents in Massachusetts prevent their children at home from school for fear Ice and deportation raids Since the inauguration of President Donald Trump.

Boston Globe mentioned On Tuesday, these migrant fathers became afraid after seeing ice raids throughout the state.

“Amid the Trump administration's promises to collective deportation, some schools in Massachusetts and the country in recent weeks have witnessed an increase in absence among immigrant students,” the article said.

A mother in Lynn, Massachusetts, called Esperanza, said that she kept her daughter at home at least once during the past month as a result.

Ice officer in a picture of the empty semester

Massachusetts supervisors said that there is an increase in the absence of students immediately after the opening. (Photography by Brian Cox/United States Immigration and Customs by Getty Pictures | Photo by John Paraskifas/NewSday RM via Getty Images)

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“There is fear there, as if someone was chasing us,” Esperanza told the newspaper.

Her 9 -year -old daughter felt the same way.

“I think they will deport us,” the girl told the Spanish newspaper Globe. “It scares me.”

The article stated that school administrators claimed that thousands of children in many educational areas remain at home due to rumors Ice agents in the regionAlthough school raids are not reported.

The director of Fermengham Robert Trimlie claimed that a quarter of students in his area stayed at home one day due to ice rumors.

“It is really important for families to understand that the most secure place for their child is at school,” Trrimup said.

One of the legal immigrants, a mother named Monsi, added that “no one feels safe,” and said that her children were at home from school for fear of deportation.

Ice officers detention

Ice agents have committed raids throughout Massachusetts since Trump took office. (Ice)

“I see sadness, fear, in children. Sometimes they cry,” Monsey said.

After the claim that the boycott data showed that “(A) seemed that BSENS had risen in late January and early February”, the report added that high absence rates could also be attributed to “weather, disease and other typical causes of seasonal fluctuations”, with “seasonal fluctuations”. The presence of “he returned largely to normal in some areas.”

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The data presented in the report showed a decrease from three to five percent only in the school attendance at Lowell, Worldster and Lawnce, in provinces that contain high copies of immigrants, since November.

The Globe reported that absence in Chelsea has gained more than the usual day the next day to stop, and when the ice was seen in a local grocery, the absence was higher for a “day without immigrants”, and there was snow.

Michael Sullivan, Director of Communications at Public Schools at Chelsea, confirmed the numbers listed in the article, he told Fox News Digital that their schools “have already witnessed that our attendance rates remain on average mostly.”

Empting school offices

The number of absences in many Massachusetts schools is not clear due to deportation concerns or other factors such as weather and disease. ((Ethan Miller/Getty Emime))

In a comment Fox News digitalTremblay provided the resources that his schools have given to parents concerned about ice raids, but also admitted that it is unclear whether absence could be attributed to deportation or disease concerns.

“With the absence at this time of the year due to illness, it is difficult to distinguish what the absence may be linked to the disease in exchange for fear of deportation or other reasons,” said Trumpy.

Chris Odonil, director of communications in public schools in Salem, added that they have no accurate numbers of absence caused by concerns about deportation.

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Fox News Digital has communicated with various educational areas in Massachusetts and the supervisors referred to in the article.

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