Amazon's Robotaxi UNIT ZOOX resembles 258 vehicles above an unexpected braking problem

(Reuters) – with its own drive, ZOOX, remembered 258 vehicles due to automated driving (ADS), which could cause unexpected hard braking, the company said on Wednesday.

Downloads are influenced by vehicles equipped with ADS software issued before November 5, according to the ZOOX report Last week at the National Road Safety Administration.

The company based in California said it was dealing with the problem of updating ADS software on affected vehicles.

While the company has not publicly published the number of vehicles on the road, it has increased testing over the past year.

Last June, the company announced plans to start testing its autonomous vehicles in two new cities.

The vehicle with its own driving, including General Motors and Waymo owned Google, are 2023 after the incident, when the pedestrian vehicle seriously injured, increased control.

Last year, Waymo remembered more than 670 vehicles with its own drive after one of her vehicles without a driver hit the wooden engineering pole in Phoenix in Arizona.

(Report Deborah Sophia in Bengaluru; cut Tasim Zahid)

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