Are your waste actually alcohol fanaticism or sensitivity?

Nausea, headache, sensitivity to light and sound are all common symptoms of backwardness, most of which will disappear over time like the body It works to treat alcohol.

But this may not be just a headache, as the Fox News Digital told. These symptoms can be something else – such as alcoholia or alcohol intolerance.

“If you feel dismay after drinking alcohol, this is not just alcohol headache,” said Dr. Raj Dasjtta of California News Digitter.

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“Although alcohol headache is the most common reaction to excessive overcoming, some people may actually deal with alcohol or even alcoholia, both of which can feel completely different.”

DASGUPTA specialized in internal medicine with Huntington Health in Los Angeles.


The person who feels sick after a night outside is suspended – but it may be something else. (Istock)

Diaspta said, “Various waste More alcohol What your body can deal with. It is a mixture of dehydration, imbalance with electricity, inflammation and liver additional work to treat alcohol. “

He said: “If you are going yourself sometimes, if you are moisturizing.”

Alcohol intolerance is a reaction that occurs quickly, within minutes.

One thing that cannot be avoided for certain people, however, is an alcohol intolerance.

“The insecurity of alcohol is a reaction that occurs quickly, and often within minutes of a small amount of alcohol,” he said.

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Diaspta said that those who suffer from alcohol tolerance have a decrease in enzyme, and they cannot break alcohol.

Common symptoms include flowing (especially in the face), suffocating nose, nausea, and Pulse races,He said: “This is not much about drinking. Your body indicates that he cannot deal with alcohol well at all.”

The man offers alcohol, but the woman refuses to drink it.

A person with alcohol or allergic insecurity is likely to notice symptoms immediately after drinking. (Istock)

While “rarely rare” from alcohol or alcohol headache, the person who feels sick yet Alcohol Diaspta told Fox News Experts, who may suffer from allergic alcohol.

“Alcohol sensitivity is very rare but also more dangerous,” he said. “It is an immune response to something in the drink, Like barleyWheat, yeast or sulfate. “

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A person who has allergic alcohol will have a “almost almost immediate” reaction after consuming.

Symptoms may include beehives, swelling, difficulty breathing, Stomach pain Or even excessive sensitivity, ”said-who can threaten life.

A woman drinking beer

Symptoms of alcohol insecurity include nausea. (Istock)

“So it is important to seek Medical help If they happen, “Dasopta said.

However, if a person is satisfied until the next morning, he is likely to have alcohol headache, and he will disappear over time.

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However, “if (symptoms) appear immediately after drinking, pay attention.”

“The flow and mild discomfort may indicate intolerance, while anything involves swelling or breathing is likely to be allergic and calls for immediate medical attention,” he said.

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“When you are in doubt, talk to your doctor. They can help you know this and stay safe.”

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