Ashley Darby, the Wendy Oseefo Slams who call for two faced and rhop reunion shock!

Ashley Darby

Ashley Darby, the Wendy Oseefo Slams who call for two faced and rhop reunion shock!

Ashley Darby Pours the river in a new interview Gibson Johns side Gabbing with GIBHe applies to some of the greatest moments and ongoing drama Potomac's real housewives Season 9.

Wendy osefo

The star of reality did not waste time looking for the starting peers Wendy Oseefo, to whom is accused of being “two-faced”. Caused by this statement Wendy's About the Confessant Notes Ashley's lover, Josh.

Molley had compared him to the rapper Jack Harlow Even a “leased girlfriend” dubbled Ash Especially has been shocked since Molley He did not express these views to his face. “

Ashley Darby

For someone I think you really think I really thought that if I thought it really thought, 'Oh, this guy is not worth it or everything,' you will say. But it showed me this to keep it for the confessory chair Molley are two-faced ” Ash said.

Ash also aggravated on the drama ongoing with Karen Hugerespecially Caren Decision to do not in combination and ask for help for his drink.

Ashley Darby

Ash “We wanted the frustration, saying,” Karen asked for a long time. Thus, this is a good thing, and he is very happy about it, and it's like a comfort this, at the same time it happened almost a year ago gave. So is it now? ”

Ash continued, expressed hope Caren He could accept accountability for their actions and move forward without allowing the situation to determine.

Wendy osefo

When asked about the last minute receipt, he arrived again, Ash Approved, “No one could expect what happened in the last hour of the meeting … There was a giant gas.”

Ash Also opened about Mia Thornton This season controversial moments explain this Mia He passed a lot, he could not continue to endure his stars. “It's always feel because we are all gas” Ash He said, he admitted that he was a great heart, and eventually had to step back.

Finally, the conversation turned Stacey Rush, Who won Ashley's respect to be more comfortable in the camera. “I really appreciated this way Stacey Ashley has started opening, acknowledged without acknowledging Stacey He was first able to be in the show, turned to the role in the course of the season.

Potomac's real housewives They can expect an explosive combination like fans Ash It continues to keep him real about his peers and the drama around.

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