Battlestar Galactica's entertaining episode was almost deadly

By Chris SnellGrove
| Published

If you should describe Ronald Moore Battlestar Galactica You would have never used to restart someone who has never seen, probably “brooding,” “serious,” or even “prestige television”. Probably the latest descriptor you've ever applied, because this show has been developed in very sharp and bright conditions when speaking to this show, the face of mankind. Although an exception, the strange cheerful season is 1 episode, lower me, lower me, but this extensive comedy will be a deadly serious episode inspired by the hit movie first Crimson's tingle.

Get me out of the house, let me down from home

It's been a while since you followed the episode of Frakkin, here's what happens: “Take me down,” A plot is the new completed shaket and Baltar's Surprise Discovery of Baltar and B. Platios, Bolkinik's Surprise Discovery. These could have been very heavy plot points, but they are mostly laughing … For example, the six-sized version of the Baltar is in sex for the masturbation of Baltar (no other woman can see much). And the wife of the Tigh's wife is strange, the young captain rubs the man's bar and acts like warm (and very drunk) confusion.

At that time, it was very surprising Battlestar Galactica Season 1 made a comedy episode in all the sad horrors. And “keep me holding me down,” the show is even even more remarkable because the show has never tried to make another comedy episode. We could not help, but we could think about what happened here and it turned out that this episode was first imagined GalaxyDistinguished tide to paranoid submarine boat triller.

First, the head conflict of the episode went to the person and Tigh, and went to the question that both were secretly hidden in a secret sylon. Baltar's detector will probably play a part of such a storyline and have a version of “hold me down” echo When the team saw the person and President Roslin is silently suspicious of this original idea. Enough, after this episode, there was a different hood: “Secrets and Lies”.

Things change

So what happened the idea of ​​making a fatal serious respect Crimson's tingle? According to Ronald Moore, “We have left a very difficult, very dark, very worried episode” -This “meat and blood”. If the original plot was stuck with the plot, “Jump me tight,” would be a very uncomfortable, very dark, very dark, too dark, very darkness … the leading characters began to point out the gun “

Looking at the prospect of returning to the back of two unmanned episodes, Moore decided to make a harsh command to be proud of the commander. “I just decided, well, let's punt only. Let's not see the dark and brooding episode,” he decided that it was the perfect time to “try a different tone.”

It was a solid decision and the smiles that were provided with the latest version of “Hold me down,” the plot of “meat and bone” was a big opposite point. But like sylones, Moore had the last reason. In addition to asking the audience Chuckle, “see the show can withstand something lighter.” And decided that the best way to hold such a test was to try something close to something close to comedy or a comedy Galaxy can stand. “

Obviously, Battlestar Galactica Did more endure This is the story. The show continued to deliver prestige television after that after the first chapters. In the given, these chapters were more “meat and blood” in “Meat and Blood”, “Hold me and Hold” more than light smiles. This makes it all more grateful to all of the sho one This was mainly balanced against a series that cried us.

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