Catholic bishops say that crocodile meat can be eaten on Friday during Catholic fasting

Catholics who refrain from meat on Friday During great fasting Pass when it comes to delicious reptiles.

It is allowed to crocodize dining on Friday during the Great Fasting, the head of bishops of New Orleans told a curious diocese that sent a message to the religious leader who requests clarification, according to the Catholic News Agency.

Bishop Gregory M. Amond in his 2010 speech that “the crocodile is considered in the fish family,” which is the same source, and ” It is considered seafood

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In Catholic faith, Fridays during the big fasting are “mandatory days of abstinence of sex,” according to the United States Catholic Bishop Conference.

“The laws of refraining from sex consider that meat comes only from animals such as chicken, cows, sheep, or pigs – all of which live on the ground … birds are also considered meat.”

Crocodile bites, the left. The crocodile appears in a swamp, correct.

The crocodile meat is an exception to the Catholic base that refrains from meat on Friday during the big fast. (Istock)

Since the church is considered seafood by the Church, the following interpretation of the United States Catholic Bishops Conference supports Aymond's claim.

“Fish are a different category of animals. Salt, fresh water of fish, amphibians and reptiles (animals in cold blood) and shellfish are allowed.”

This exemption for cold -blooded animals appears to go back hundreds of years.

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In the seventeenth century, the bishop of Quebec announced that the bean meat was acceptable to eat on Friday during the Great Fasting, as the Church considered that the semi -fish rodents, according to Scientific America.

A spokesman for the New Orleans diocese declined to comment.


The beaver is other rodents acceptable for dining on Friday during the big fast. (Sarah A. Miller/Idahu Sansman/Tribune news via Getty Images)

Fox News Digital has also reached the United States Catholic Bishops Conference.

Singing the crocodile “Great”

as MeatThis may be a appetite in other parts of the country, but in Louisiana is a common element in everything from Gambaya to rear foods.

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“The crocodile meat has a very moderate taste and is a multi -use alternative in recipes calling for veal, chicken and most seafood,” according to the website of the Ministry of Louisiana for wildlife and fisheries.

“Cut the selection of meat, primarily, the tail and jaw can be used easily in Any recipe. Body meat and leg can be completely delicious with a little additional preparation and special recipes. The crocodile is also low in fat. “

Freed crocodile meat appears in a plate on a table.

A plate of fried crocodile appears with the mayonnaise garlic hot pepper. (Istock)

The site said that meat can be frozen for up to a year.

“Because of biological misinformation, crocodiles who live in polluted areas can accumulate large concentrations of heavy metals,” according to IFIS Food Science and Technology.

Eric Cook, Tahi New Orleans owns Grace Grace and Saint John restaurantsTell the Fox News Digital that the crocodile meat is “great”.

Many Louisiana chefs “are creativity” on how to combine meat crocodile into their dishes.

Cook said that a lot of Louisiana chefs “have become more creative” on how to combine crocodile meat into their dishes.

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Cook said that the famous option in Louisiana is the crocodile wings.

He said that “the ideal white meat on these short legs” can be cut into the traditional size chicken wingsFried and served with hot sauce.

Cook said that fried crocodile bites and crocodile sauce are other common options.

The fried crocodile bites appear.

Fried crocodiles are a common choice in Louisiana. (Istock)

He said that crocodile meat is “full of protein and” sustainable “part of people's meals in Louisiana.

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Cook said: “Many people are saving crocodile meat in milk or 2 % of milk,” Cook said.

Description of a flavor profile Meat Almost as if “roasted chicken met the Hamour”.

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Cook noted that the crocodile has become a record fee on the menus and grocery stores in Louisiana.

“It is no longer strange,” he said.

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