Set the phasers flatterer: This article is titled “Star Trek: Episode 31.” discusses key plot details.
In many ways, Star Trek and its universe are full of aliens, super-powered beings, random god-like being (see Q)and heroic starfleet officers are designed to embody our highest ideals and aspirations also The antagonists are from the high-flying world of comic books and superheroes — but “Section 31” puts a unique, yet elusive spin on that notion. Director Olatunde Osunsanmi and Writer Craig Sweeny (along with Bo Yeon Kim and Erika Lippoldt “Credit” the story “fines the story in the previous doomed franchise, the scheming empress Philippa Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh) ) and a group of antiheroes in a feature Few people in Starfleet are aligned with the dark side. With the comforting rules and regulations of the Federation just a distant carpet in the void of space, “Section 31” is really dirty in a far corner of the galaxy. Time trackers speed along with the ever-routed Georgiou, the film's premise becomes clear … and most clearly so is itself superhero antihero counterpart.
“Section 31” is a “star trek” twist similar to comic book movies like “suicide squad” Catastrophic 2016 movieif that helps. A clear villain, a clear villain, a willful tone and a snarky sense of humor 11, tons of tons of brutal death, flying phaser blasts and put together with curse words The only piece missing from this puzzle Michelle Yeoh, the fourth wall is broken and “We what, some sort of 31?” (Sorry, sorry, trying to delete this.
31 Team, Star Trek's answer to the Suicide Squad
When it comes to the Star Trek franchise, being bad has rarely looked so good. Philippa Georgiou (or rather, Its mirror universe counterpart sits almost entirely around Star Trek: Discovery) has always marched to the beat of his own drum, but never let go of the chain as much as he did in “Section 31. Completely escaping the tight grip of Starfleet, this version of Georgiou is more flamboyant, self-assured, and more downright fun than we've ever seen him before. Yeah, yeah , he first became the Emperor before his teenage flame San (James Hiroyuki Liao) was guilty and tortured until his life of guilt and torture who is struggling with guilt and trauma…but it just shows up incredible while doing so.
This “Suicide Squad” team that remains as this “Suicide Squad” enters. Georgiou's past came back against him and his desire to unlock the “Godsend” device that destroyed San and the Emperor's Universe, but fortunately there is a complete group of Renegades who are sure that it will never happen. Each member falls into narrative roles that fit easily into the people-on-a-mission template: ALOK Sahar (Omari Hardwick) is the cool and calm leader, Kacey Rohl's Rachel Garret, Prim and Correct Stickler for Rules, Fear Mech Zeph (Rob Kazinsky), Tech -Savvy Fuzz (Sven Ruygrok), obnoxious brains, Melle (Humberly González), Femme Fatale (Sam Richardson) (Sam Richardson) is a jack of all trades.
What separates “Section 31” from your typical ensemble fare is the fact that they get along with each other, most refuse to play by the rules, and each has their own agenda and secrets. Sure, there's no exact equivalent to Ratcatcher or Polka Dot Man or Kaiju Starro…but they all serve pretty similar functions anyway. Whether or not this approach works for the fan base is, well, another story entirely.
Part 31 for Trekkies or Action Junkies and Superhero Nerds?
Here is the question of the day, to that extent / Jacob Hall of the film centered a positive “Section 31” review Indeed, in the opinion of what “Star Trek” is doing, “Star Trek” in the year 2025 of our Lord. choke box. The “original series” proved how much this material can only be hindered, a few episodes from the genre can be shot out of space faster than a few episodes from the genre. Since then, each subsequent addition to the Canon has suggested that Trek might be more than the “next-gen” of “next-gen” (mostly) “without the depth” of Space Nine to “Nine”. , will be set on a stationary space station in a single star – and in this regard “Section 31” is no exception.
Still, it's easy to see how different “Section 31” is. In a recent interview, “Star Trek” creative lead Alex Kurtzman explained that the TV movie was designed to appeal to as wide an audience as possible … and not just hardcore tekies. A long way to explain the emphasis on action for the adrenaline junkies out there, a more irreverent tone, an attempt to create a sense of “cool factor” (Which many critics have argued is at the heart of what “Trek” is about) and general parallels to many comic book movies in recent times.
As a result, this “Section 31” experience is unlikely to redefine the franchise to the extent that detractors might fear. But for a brief moment, we were given a glimpse into the most interesting of mirror worlds – a cocktail dress and a beretta (or whatever the phaser equivalent would be), her hair down, first questioned at the first sign of trouble. It's hard to deny that it feels like anything less than profiling.
“Star Trek: Episode 31” is currently streaming on Paramount+.