China, Iran, and Russia condemned the defectors at the United Nations Side Side Summit

The dissidents from all over the world gathered in Geneva, Switzerland, to tell their survival stories and escape from authoritarian regimes. Within a few days, United Nations Human Rights Council (UNTRC) will start its 58th session in that city itself.

In his opening statements at the Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy, the CEO of the United Nations Company, Helly Noir, set the record on the foreigner.

“As you know, when most people hear the phrase“ the Human Rights Council of the United Nations ”, they imagine in their minds men who wear a long white beard, wearing a white rose wandering along the Olympus Mountain, and they denounce their decisions on facts, logic and morals, when nothing can be further About the truth.

“Sitting around the table at the United Nations Human Rights Council across the street is not Aristotle, Socrates or Plato, but rather many of the worst human rights violations in the world. They use their membership as a false sign of international legitimacy to gain punishment punishment for ill -treatment records.”

The head of the International Energy Agency is Hillle Noir speaking in Geneva

The CEO of the United Nations company Hilleh Noir deals with the Geneva Summit of the year 2025 for human rights and democracy.

The head of the United Nations Control Authority says that UNRWA rented people who were “supporting terrorism.”

While many dissidents had the opportunity to tell their stories, there were many who did not do that. Friends and family of dissidents and activists spoke, and local students recounted stories of those who were not present. The summit used empty chairs to represent the absent dissidents.

The United Nations Agency has 47 member states that work for three years at a time. Districts from four current members of the national security inflammation – Sudan, Cuba, Vietnam China He narrated horrific stories about the assumption of those who call “the worst aggressor in the world.”

Times and Yang holds a picture of his father, Chinese prisoner, Dr. Wang Bingzang

Times Wang holds a picture of his father, Dr. Wang Bingchang, who is being held in China, at the Geneva Summit 2025 for Human Rights and Democracy.

Times Wang, a human rights lawyer in the United States, talked about his father's imprisonment in China. Dr. Wang Bingzang, who was kidnapped by Chinese authorities in 2002, is the longest imprisoned Chinese political dissident. It remains in solitary confinement to this day.

In addition, Sebastian Lay, the son of Apple's daily founder Jimmy Lay, spoke about his father's detention by the Chinese authorities, which started in 2020. Apple Daily was the largest newspaper in Hong Kong until 2021, when it was by force. If convicted, Jimmy Lay can be sentenced to life imprisonment. He is currently in solitary confinement and rejects many appeals.

Sebastian Lay holds a picture of his father, the founder of Apple Daily Jimmy Lay

Sebastian Lay holds a picture of his father, Jimmy Lay, at the Geneva Summit 2025 for Human Rights and Democracy.

The United Nations stops humanitarian action in the Houthi stronghold in Yemen after the arrest of the employees

The summit also included defected from the previous member states, including Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Eritrea, Afghanistan and Russia.

“Good people in democratic countries when they join their efforts, when they stand together, when they work together, stronger than dictatorship,” said Vladimir Kara Morza.

Kara Morza, a Russian pro -democracy activist, was imprisoned in April 2022 because of her conversation against the war in Ukraine. He was released in August 2024. Before his last imprisonment, Kara Morza escaped two attempts to poison at the hands of Russia.

Human rights activist and the explicit critic of the Russian president Vladimir PutinGary Cas expressed a little faith in the United Nations. And he confirms that “mold is very deep” to the extent that the international community “is close to the issue of” replacing the institution “instead of just reforming it.

In his main speech, the Iranian Crown Prince, Reda Bahlvi, called on the world law to bring the Islamic Republic’s regime.

“What caused the Islamic Republic, it can be resolved by removing it,” said Bajli.

Bahlvi also talked about the battle of Iranian women for freedom, noting that she has exceeded the requirements of the veil. They say their battle “is not related to a piece of fabric. It is related to the restoration of equality and their country.”

Reza Pahlavi waving a crowd in Geneva

Iranian Crown Prince Reda Bahlvi on the stage at the Geneva 2025 Summit for Human Rights and Democracy.

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One ovens did not immediately respond to the Fox News request for comment.

While the session is 58 From linguistic diseases It is still a few days away, there are many discussion topics on its website. China, Sudan, Cuba, Vietnam, and other members will have the opportunity to form “early warning and prevention of genocide”, “the issue of death penalty”, and “eliminating all forms of racial discrimination”, among the other topics.

president Donald Trump He recently removed the United States from linguistic diseases, which is also something that he did in its first term. In his 2025 executive order regarding the withdrawal from international development goals, Trump expresses similar feelings to New Yire, saying that “the United Nations trustees to protect the aggressors of human rights by allowing them to use the organization to study themselves from scrutiny.”

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