Chuck Lorre of the Big Bang Theory did not want to make a mistake by ending

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Big Bang Theory is wrapped in 12 seasons in the spring of 2019 – and for the interview Hollywood Reporter Showrunner and the Creator Chuck Lorre after releasing shortly after extremely It is concerned about the finals … mainly did not do this with a previous project, “Dharma & Greg” did not do this with a popular project.

Mikey began a question of an interview with O'Connell, the interviewed question – “Big Bang's theory” was how important it was for you … “To give you a reliably to give the plane safely. It meant a lot – this was our very boring beginnings, we thought we realized how we would really understand how we would do and continue [episode]”he replied.” I like what to leave very soon. I don't want to do it again. “

As O'Connell pointed out correctly, Lorre was referred to to Dharma & Greg “Dharma and Greg”, like Jenna Elfmani free spirit Dharma and Thomas Gibson since 1997 to 2002 “Big Bang Theory” before the season, before “I did wrong.”) said. “I was forced to do this this time.”

“How to drain the plane”, Lorre said he was encouraged by one of his long colleagues, he said … probably said that he would not. “There was no matter how I did,” Lorre said openly. The demonstrated in the last two years, Steve Holland, who gathers the show, everyone gathers his bags and walks in different directions and exploded in some last way – it's also in the emotional final. I thought it was bright. “

Chuck Lorre did something very special while pulling the last episode of Big Bang theory

Not only had a bright end with Chuck Lorre and his team “Stockholm Syndrome,” “Last episode of the great bang theory” – However, Lorre, in the book of 2022, as the writer was revealed to Jessica RadloffBig Bang theory: The definitive, inner story of the epic hit series“He said,” He did a verbal work “for tape in front of the oral audience in front of a studio – because he was out of order – private Leonard and Penny Cupstadter (Johnny Galecki and Kaley Cuoco)) Room Service at a Stockholm Hotel order.

“I just realized that this was the last incident we would take on stage,” Lorre. Continued:

“It was the last sight because it was the last sight, because it was a day before the crowd, 'Gimme Slate.' It was a very impulse decision. . I didn't want to be part of it, but I wanted to be part. Surely I think I just thinking about it. I'm just thinking about it and keep me in the office. “

What happens in the final of the Great Bang Theory series?

So how is doing “Big Bang Theory” endAnd how does Chuck Lorre feel about it – or at least, what did Jessica say about Radloff serial final? As the network goes to Stockholm, Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler played by Jim Parsons (After 12 seasons caused the end of the series) and Mayim bialik, a number of things “wrong”. Penny, which is sick in the flight, Sheddon acknowledges that he and Leonard recently discovered pregnantAnd Sheldon is not particularly pleasant about it; Meanwhile, other friends learn howard Wolovitz and Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolovitz (Simon Helberg and Melissa Rauch) are experiencing all kinds of children in the house.

Sheldon is a selfish, not enough support for not supporting everyone, it is preparing to leave the point … But thanks to Amy, they all come together to see the Nobel ceremony, and thank you to see the Nobel, and thank you, thankful to the heart. In the last moments of the whole series, an acoustic version of the show's theam song plays as a whole bunch of gathers, Leonard and Penny's living room – who belongs to Sheldon and Leonard and eating Hundreds together, Amy, Sheldon adorned Outside the Nobel Rewards.

“It was all I hope to finish the show in a last moment,” he said. So how was it feel “Let's go down the plane?” Lorre, Lorre was just very emotional: “It was just too much. It was very emotional to be part of this thing for twelve years and to end. Just a very big experience and the best way to manage it It was to go. Because what else is there for me? “

It is clear that Lorre gave the end of the “Great Bang Theory” and there is no regret. This episode, as well as the rest of the series, you can now maximize.

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