Dawn Robinson's former husband reacts to the state of the virus

Past Vogue singer Dawn Robinson He has been reactions online after revealing that he lived in his car for about three years. Well, now, her former husband, Second allenIt is reported to step on a step. According to TmzHe does not want to see his struggle and offers financial support with a business opportunity.

Related: Former en vogue singer Dawn Robinson, fans after discovering that he lives in his car (hours)

The former husband Andre Allen offers the help of dawn Robinson

Andre Allen, Shafag Robinson's Youtube video stepped up with his suggestion after shocking everyone. Allen spoke to TMZ “Hilton sees dawn for brands.” He also noted that he did not want to see a dawn struggle or “die in poverty” as other friends.

Andre told TMZ that he had previously offered a job with Hilton brands before choosing to live in his car. He believes that his charisma and his personality could bring to the “real money” on sale, and an area thinks that he will pay more than the entertainment industry. He also noted that the position was still free to continue music while providing free medical benefits and pto.

Like him, Andre is aimed at morality, which is a new fiancé, and now a new fiancée and now focusing on the musical industry. The context was married in 2003 for Robinson and Allen and left in 2010. TMZ, Andre Allen played a key role in a short reunion of the dawn before leaving for good.

Dawn Robinso's former husband is stepping up with this proposal after staying homelessDawn Robinso's former husband is stepping up with this proposal after staying homeless
Dawn Robinson, Tony Channel and Andre Allen, Movie Makers Entertainment Co-CEO Entertainment (John Sciuli / WireImage)

What did he say about living in his car before

Despite the flow of love and reactions, the singer has chosen this way of life, he felt like the best choice. He also said he felt a sense of freedom since he had chosen to start his journey and has no regrets.

“I felt myself free. I was so free. I felt like myself, 'Woe, so different.' I felt that I was on the camp trip, and I felt like you had to do it. I'm not sorry. “

Opening about the experience, the dawn, he said he did not seek sympathy. Instead, he shared his story as part of his journey to heal and discover himself.

“It's not like 'poor dawn'. This is not. I learn who I am; I learn myself as a woman like a woman” He added.

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Slim Thug reacts to dawn living

Former husband of Shafag Robinson Andre Allen, was not the only one talking about the situation. Finely bitch In Instagram, he also called on the fact that he did not live after all his successes. Texas Rapper clarified it – he still needs to make money from all the hits he thrown.

Related: WHEW! Slim Media Slim Thug's Dawn Robinson's reaction to the state of car survival (video)

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