Elvis Presley rejected “A Star is Born” for this reason: The author

One of Elvis Presley's biggest regrets was not sharing the screen with Barbra Streisand.

The claim was made by Norman Brokaw's son, Joel Brokaw, who wrote a biography about the late Hollywood agent titled “Marilyn's leadership.”

Brokaw, who represented Presley, as well as Marilyn Monroe, Clint Eastwood and other major stars, died in 2016 at the age of 89.

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Elvis Presley looks away wearing a black suit with a red scarf

Elvis Presley would have turned 90 on January 8th. (Michael Oakes Archives/Getty Images)

“I interviewed Priscilla Presley, who was also a client of my father,” Joel told Fox News Digital. “I asked her about the relationship with (his manager) Colonel (Tom) Parker. She stated that there had only been one time when there had been any disagreements.”

According to Joel's book, Presley had the opportunity to act alongside Streisand In 1976 in the film “A Star is Born”. However, Parker “did not encourage him,” believing that “Barbara might belittle him.”

“It was a decision Elvis regretted,” Joel wrote.

Cover of the book Leadership Marilyn

Joel Brokaw's book “Marilyn's Leadership” is available now. (Lyons Press)

Joel told Fox News Digital that at the time, Presley was longing to be taken seriously as an actor in Hollywood. look at “Rebel Without a Cause” star. James Dean as an inspiration. However, Parker wanted Presley to prioritize performance—even if it meant settling for mediocre musicals.

“Elvis wanted to branch out into meatier acting roles,” Joel said. “(But) Colonel Parker really liked the status quo where Elvis was making these movies that had soundtracks. A lot of the songs…were coming out of the movies. (And the movies) were fun and light. They were the first residencies that any artist had done.” He does it in Las Vegas… I think Elvis was one of the first people to do it.

Watch: Elvis Presley regrets rejecting 'A Star Is Born': Book

“It was a very convenient marketing strategy,” Joel said. “But Elvis wanted to develop himself as an actor. And so, Colonel Parker turned down the opportunity, the offer for Elvis to star in 'A Star is Born' with Barbra Streisand… He didn't want to see Elvis overshadowed by Barbra.” Streisand.”

Barbra Streisand performs with two women in a scene from A Star is Born

Barbra Streisand played Esther Hoffman in the romantic drama “A Star Is Born.” (FilmPublicityArchive/United Archives via Getty Images)

Joel added: “This was the only flaw in their relationship, according to Priscilla.”

The author had his theories about why Parker insisted that Streisand would overshadow Presley.

“Perhaps part of Colonel Parker's fear about pairing Barbra Streisand with Elvis has to do with their current path and career,” he explained.

“Elvis wanted to develop himself as an actor. So, (his manager) Colonel Parker turned down the opportunity, the offer for Elvis to star in A Star is Born with Barbra Streisand… He didn't want to see Elvis running.” Overshadowed by Barbara Streisand.”

-Joel Brokaw, author of “Marilyn's Leadership”

Elvis Presley performs for a woman in Hawaii.

Joan Blackman and Elvis Presley in the movie “Blue Hawaii” in 1961. The singer was deeply dissatisfied with his career in Hollywood. (Sunset Boulevard/Corbis via Getty Images)

“Elvis was at the top for a long time. As we got into the '60s and the British Invasion, and the Beatles were out, Elvis started to lose a lot of his luster and popularity.

“Barbra Streisand was on the rise,” he noted. “I think (Parker) felt like the momentum was probably in her favor at the time.”

The original 1930s film starred Janet Gaynor and Fredric March, with Judy Garland and James Mason in the 1950s remake. Streisand starred in her version alongside Kris Kristofferson.

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Kris Kristofferson hugs Barbra Streisand in A Star is Born

Kris Kristofferson went on to star opposite Barbra Streisand in “A Star is Born.” (Screen Archive/Getty Images)

The fourth version of the romance between an up-and-coming young artist and a fading young artist premiered in 2018. It starred Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper, with Cooper directing.

In November, Priscilla confirmed that Streisand had been considering playing Presley on screen, but Parker had asked him not to take the role.

“Barbara offered him the role,” Presley's ex-wife said. People magazine In November. The Colonel talked him out of it, saying, “Oh, it wouldn't be good.” She will be responsible, not you. “Her movie, not yours.”

Norman Brokaw stands next to Colonel Tom Parker smoking a cigar

Norman Brokaw, left, a sought-after talent agent, represents Elvis Presley. Shown here with Presley's manager, Colonel Tom Parker. (Brokaw Family Collection)

The 79-year-old added: “Elvis regretted it because he felt he could have played that role.”

In 2023, Streisand wrote in her memoir, My Name is Barbara, that she considered Presley would appear in the music-focused drama before the role went to Kristofferson. She traveled to Las Vegas to meet with Presley in an attempt to convince him.

“We talked about the movie, and Elvis was interested in it,” the 82-year-old wrote, according to what was reported. USA Today. “But obviously it didn't work out. Marty (Ehrlichman, her director) says Colonel Parker asked for more money than we could afford. (Producer) John (Peters) says the Colonel wanted to make the movie. I'm not sure about that.”

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Elvis Presley with Priscilla Presley and Elvis Sr. Vernon

Priscilla Presley also confirmed that her ex-husband wants to work alongside Barbra Streisand. (Oscar Aboulafia/TPLP/Getty Images)

“I know Elvis gained a lot of weight and was no longer in top form, even though he was still attracting big crowds,” she said. “Maybe the story was too close to his own life, and the Colonel talked him out of it.”

Presley's complicated relationship with Parker It's explored in a new Netflix documentary“The Return of the King: The Fall and Rise of Elvis Presley” features interviews with Priscilla and his close/business partner, Jerry Schilling, among others.

In the film, Presley is heard describing how frustrated he was with producing money-seeking musicals in exchange for more serious roles.

Barbra Streisand sings on stage in front of a large crowd.

Barbra Streisand wrote that she traveled to Las Vegas in hopes of impressing Presley. (Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images)

“Hollywood's image of me was wrong, and I knew it, and I couldn't do anything about it,” Presley said. “I didn't know what to do. I felt obligated to things I didn't fully believe in.”

“They couldn't have paid me any amount of money to make me feel any inner satisfaction,” Presley added.

Presley's Hollywood career declined to the point where the Grammy winner was heard singing the children's tune “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” in the 1967 film “Double Trouble.”


Elvis Presley acts out a scene in the movie Double Trouble

Elvis Presley opposite Annette Day in “Double Trouble” circa 1967. (FilmPublicityArchive/United Archives via Getty Images)

“This is a crime to me,” Priscilla said in the film while watching the scene.

“It is a crime,” she stressed. “Putting him in that position and singing that song. It made him a laughing stock. And he knew it.”

Director Jason Hehir said Presley felt so defeated and trapped in his film career that he would sometimes become “physically ill.”

Elvis Presley looks down with the lights facing him.

Netflix documentary “The Return of the King: The Fall and Rise of Elvis Presley” is available for streaming. (Netflix)

“He was very upset. He couldn't get out of bed,” Hehir said. “Many…don't realize how disappointed he was…He was taking these movie roles and seemed to be taking the easy way out and cashing huge checks. But that wasn't his ambition as an artist.”

“It was always frustrating for him,” Hehir said. “…He couldn't even get out of bed because he was so hungry for an artistic challenge. But he committed himself to these film contracts, and his management allowed him to commit to these film contracts.”

“He highlighted what really matters to him, which is performance,” Hehir continued. “And I think the frustration of seven years of not being in front of a live audience and instead just being on film sets and making more mediocre films — a lightbulb went off over his head.

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Close-up of Elvis Presley wearing a white jacket with a dotted collar shirt.

Director Jason Hehir told Fox News Digital that Elvis Presley was keen to make his own mark as a star, similar to his idols James Dean and Marlon Brando. (Netflix)

“He wanted to do something for himself, not for his management. Not for the moviegoing public. He wanted to get back to the Elvis he wanted to be.”

Presley died in 1977 at the age of 42.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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