FCC investigates if Huawei, other Chinese companies avoid us banning

The US Federal Communications Commission has launched what it describes as a "Sweeping the investigation" To Chinese companies in its "List of covered." Those companies include HuaweiZTE and China Telecom, whom the US government believes in line with the Chinese Communist Party. In 2022, the Biden Administration banned The sale of communication equipment, video tracking gear and services from those companies in an effort to protect the country's national security and ensure that "Unreviously communication equipment is not permitted for use within [US] border."

According to FCC Chairman Brendan Carr, the agency has the reason to believe that some of the creatures on the covered list are still operating in the US, as they do not think the ban is occupying "particular types of operation or otherwise." These companies are "Trying to do an ending around FCC restrictions by continuing to do business in America on a private or 'irregular' basis," he said.

This investigation is the first major initiative under the Council for national security Carr recently established inside the FCC. The main purpose of the new council is to reduce American and telecommunications technology to rely on foreign opponents, ease the country's weakness in cyberattacks and espionage, as well as to ensure that the US "Winning strategic competition in China with critical technologies."

The FCC aims to assemble a wide range of information on the creatures in the scope list, including details about their ongoing US business and the business of companies that may assist in their operations. It said "Close any loopholes that allow unreliable, foreign opponent -supported state skirts [its] Laws." 

This article originally appeared at the Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/mobile/smartphones/the-fcc-is-in-investigating-wheth-huaweii-other- Chinese-rsa-companies-are- evading-US-W-san-150002185.html?src=RSSS

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