23andme has removed a challenging several years by filing for Now. Given the uncertainty around the future of the DNA test company and what happens to all the genetic data it has collected, it is now a critical time for customers to protect their privacy. California Attorney General Rob Bonta has Previous customers of genetic business trials have removed their information as a careful proposal. Here are the steps to remove your notes to 23andme.
Log in to your 23andMe account.
Go to "Settings" tab of your profile.
I -click View in the section called "23andme data."
If you want to maintain a copy for your own notes, download your data now.
Go to "Delete the data" Section
Click "Permanently delete data."
You will receive an email from 23andme confirming the action. Click the link to that email to complete the process.
While most of an individual's personal information will be deleted, 23andme maintains some information for legal compliance. Details are in the company .
There are some other privacy thinking actions that customers can do. First, anyone who chooses 23andMe will store their saliva and DNA may request to break the sample. That selection can be made from the Account Settings Settings Menu Tab. Second, you can check if you have given permission for your genetic data and sample to be used in scientific research. You can also check the allowance, and withdraw if you wish, from the account settings page; It is listed under research and product permissions.
This article originally appeared at the Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/science/how-to-selete-your-23andMe-data-201451382.html?src=rsss