Slaves of errors have acquired a region of Tuscany, Italy, where officials are working to fight the injury before the busy tourism season.
Midges overwhelmed the Orbetello beach pocket, according to the Associated Press.
Midges are mosquito -like mosquitoes and often “dancing” in the air in huge swarms, according to the Ministry of Conservation in Missouri.
Mysterious foam and washing dead fish on the beach while you compare surveys
The local fishermen told AP that the profits started about three weeks ago, adding that they believed to be “fish”.

Orbetello, Italy, has an emergency advertisement on a set of dirt, which creates a permanent commission before the tourism season. (Cooperative hunters orbetello via AP, ho)
Last year, Fry, a death Fish eventsAfter exhausting the oxygen in the ecosystem of water, and attracting maidge larvae.
Orbetello is a thin strip of the ground that extends to the middle of the lake, borders it the sea It was formed like almonds, according to the Tuscany visit.
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Midges are mosquito -like flies. (Istock)
The city invented a permanent committee and emergency lines, AP said.
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Mayor Andrea Kasemary said in a statement that officials are working to “protect citizens and economic activities in the region.”

Midges Orbetello wanders in the Tuscan area of Italy with fishermen's belief that it is due to dead fish in the area. (Istock)
Pier Luigi Piro, President Orbetello Cooperative fishermenTell AP that he hopes the crisis will be resolved as soon as possible.
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“All we do, we hope we have quietness Tourist season“Other than the damage, many activities will risk closing,” said Peru.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.