Insurance “Curcel Culture” offers a relief to panicians of celebrities

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Celebrities and executives are afraid that they will be “abolished” over their words or actions, will be able to remove insurance to deal with fallout, how to catch in the cultural war driven by social media.

Policy is created by Samphire Risk, Lloyd's of London supported an independent subscription agency that offers products focused on crime, hostage and risk of kidnapping, with Borkowski PR, the London crisis communication group.

The blanket provided by insurance includes communication services for crisis management specially designed to protect individuals from canceled culture and to alleviate damage to reputation caused by negative media and coverage of social media.

“Sharing or like a tweet can reduce the whole world on you,” said Mark Borkowski, a veteran boss of PR, who has developed the conditions of this policy with the Republic of Risky Partner of Services.

“There are a lot of anxious people.” Cancel button is a new guillotine [and] One of the mistakes is your epitaph. It is too easy to take a position in things. . . without being thought out. ”

Social media can create almost immediate resistance when celebrities, executives and sports stars are considered to be exceeded by often any lines, causing permanent damage and financial costs.

“The Social Media is charging any reaction and spreading it around the world in seconds,” Borkowski said. He added that “at an age when one tweet can erase credibility throughout his life – think. . . Cancellation of Chrissy Teigena over the reopted messages – [this] is insurance against digital volatility. ”

There are products for insurance crisis insurance, but Borkowski says that this “spans the gap” in business policies by focusing on personal protection of celebrities, workers, athletes and individuals with a high net value and offers preventive measures.

This policy includes research, analysis, monitoring and training to avoid potential problems with reputation in advance, as well as hot line 24/7 and 60 days of communication to manage and respond to negative media and social media.

“This includes” abolish culture “and” Cultural War “Fallout, areas where corporations may not or will not provide personal cover,” Borkowski said.

This policy will also apply to the solution of modern risks such as misinformation and deepfakes, and is expanding to related risks such as blackmail, blackmail and family concerns.

Borkowski said that this policy is not designed for people who violated the law or who were guilty of unlawful conduct, but focused on those who feared that their words or actions were excluded from context or incorrect “rotation”.

Borkowski also said that “Bot Farms” appeared, which quickly spread false information about people intentionally to harm or distract the individual's attention.

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