“Vanderpump rules“The star James Kennedy After being arrested in 2024, Bravo is in a warm seat after being arrested. But the last movement in social media can be the last straw for some people.
On Saturday, March 8, 2025, James Kennedy, fans apologized to Instagram after seeing a photo created with highly controversial social media users Andrew and Tristan Tate.
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James Kennedy Tate apologies to pose with his brothers

“VPR” star in early March 2025 Kennedy He bothered a lot of Bravo watchers by sending himself a picture of himself with his tate brothers in his instagram account.
For those unfamiliar with the Tate Family, two brothers are often known as the controversial “affecting” that pushes the toxic agenda around the masculine and feminism.
When a denim jacket gave a denim jacket, Kennedy smiled and brought to the background by looking at two brothers and two brotherly cameras.
“Last night, I send a photo from a photo with a publisher in an event,” said, “I'm not familiar with their content and claims against them. I just knew them as podcasters [who] 'Vanderpump' sent a viral clip about.
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He said, “I have been studying since me and do not condemn their beliefs. I'm sorry to hurt.”
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Bravo fans are angry with James Kennedy to send a picture with Tates

Social media users seemed to be a late event, then they did not get back while sharing Kennedy's thoughts hanged with the tate brothers.
“St. SH-T,” a user commentary. “It's so much insult to see this too much. How to explain how I am disappointed [this]”
Another user went in and “claimed to be one day [one] James Hater. “
“How embarrassed for people who think and think that he thought and changed,” he said.
The third person, at the same time, as an emotional commentary and exploded Kennedy “as the worst guy to get out [Vanderpump Rules]”
“I worked hard to believe that Jacob will pass this [and] Get the help you need to be a proper person, but this is the last straw for me, “Wrote a fourth netizen.” It is absolutely disgusting. “
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Tate brothers come to Florida

Tate brothers, Romania and the United Kingdom are accused of several serious crimes, including sexual harassment and human trafficking. However, they maintained the innocence, denied all allegations against them.
Recently, after allowing the separation of Romanian prosecutors, the two brothers came to the United States. When it comes to Andrew talked to the media and described his family as “misunderstood.”
“We live in a democratic society where he is innocent until we are guilty, and I think my brother and I think I did wrong,” he said. “There are many things around us on the Internet.”
O durable“We have not yet been tried for any crime in our lives.”
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James Kennedy was arrested in December 2024

Kennedy's shock post and Tate brothers were arrested on a polarized reality star in December 2024 on the charges of domestic violence.
According to police records, Kennedy, Kennedy, then his girlfriend, Ally Lewber claimed that witnesses who witnessed in California were aggressively captured.
Kennedy was ordered and released with a $ 20,000 collateral.
Lewber supporters appealed to the days later and thanked for sending positive thoughts in such a difficult period.
“Thank you to love and support and everyone who applies to me. shared.
Kennedy says she wants to focus on her firmness

Finally, Kennedy broke the silence about his legal case with Lewber and said he was ready to make better choices for him and those around him.
“I take the time to grow my people, personal growth and participate for our relatives,” Kennedy shared through Instagram in December 2024 “I decided to learn and progress with an incredible support system around me.”