Jerry Seinfeld just offers a string from his NBC sitcom

At the beginning of the Seinfeld episode, “Pasta” (February 17, 1994), Jerry (Jerry Seinfeld), History, Audrey (Suzanne Snyder), refuses to give up without a reason. Something offered by a peer is becoming a motive of an episode refusal to eat. Later, the couple, the owner of his father's father, who went to a restaurant, but a slice of pizza offered to him refuses to eat. Immediately understand that this is a small form of revenge. As in all episodes of Seinfeld, something small and randomly turned into an awkward faux rust through a wide neuros network.

Then, George (Jason Alexander) is having a potential employer in a restaurant. George said he was an opponent in the restaurant's kitchen and it begins to suspect the culpability will be closed in a way. The potential employer, Mackenzie (Lane Davies), offers a chocolate cream paste that offers a bite of George, refuses. This is justifiable for Mackenzie because he said that it is appropriate to George and how important it is to become a team player. One of Mackenzie's compatriots bends forward and says, “If you are one, you will get a bite.” There is no need to say, George's refusal to eat food lost it.

“If you are one of us, you will get a bite,” Jerry Seinfeld has a dialogue that has used random conversation. Seinfeld, “Although first hatedOf course, he presented many casual colloksialism to pop lexicon. “Talking close,” “Hello, Newman,” “Fancy Boy,” “Sponge-worthy,” “Soup Nazi” and so on. However, since 2013 in Reddit AMAJerry Seinfeld admitted that the line “Take a bite” remains with him. It repeats this when you share food with their children.

If you are one, you will get a bite.

Seinfeld acknowledged that a zeitgeist-changing Mega Hit series, which has more than 180 episodes from nine seasons, is a strange line. Nevertheless, “take a bite”, one adhesive. She likes to use when they have children. As we write:

“If this is the only line I quoted from the show, if we are a bit of a bite.” Many times the children will not want to try some foods. I will use this line. Sometimes “OH, Humanity” I will quote Newman in the flames shouting. “

“Oh, humanity!” Of course, in 1937, the journalist Herbert Morrison blamed this fateful day behind this fateful day. But the word was repeated by Newman (Wayne knight loves the courtroom work) In the episode of “Seinfeld” “Pothole” (February 20, 1997). In this episode, Newman managed a truck to send a postcard when he hit a sewing machine in the middle of the road (and we need not to enter it. The car began to drag the shower of sparks, to drag the car under the car. Then a bunch of bunches spilled by Kramer walked on a pond (Michael Richards shows Star Michael Richards). As the flame in the truck flames in the bottom, “Oh, mankind!” Yes, Seinfeld did it.

In an interesting way, Seinfeld did not take any of his dialogue into the real world.

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