Just three days of juicing can ruin your gut, scientists warn

Your next juice cleaning can be riskier than you think. Recent research has found that even three days juicing can lead to noticeable and possible harmful changes in our native gut and bacteria in the mouth.

Scientists at Northwestern University conducted a study, comparing the short-term effects of three different diets to the microbiome. Compared to people on other diets, only people who drink juice have shown an increase in bacteria associated with inflammation. The results suggest that juicing may have negatives, at least if people do not make sure to eat enough fiber elsewhere, researchers say.

Juicing is seen as a more delicious and more convenient way to get our daily use of fruits and vegetables. But it is well -known That the juice process has moved away from the most important fiber that is naturally found in these foods. Because a diet low in fiber can lead to problems such as constipation and negatively affect the microbiome (the bacterial neighborhood that lives and our bodies), researchers at Northwestern University want to see if a diet is already Juicing-only can do the same.

The little study involved 14 people who were assigned to one of three diets in three days: a diet where only people eat the whole plant, a typical “juice-fast” diet With no other foods allowed, and a diet where people both drink juices and eat whole foods. Volunteers had their oral and gut microbiome measured before, while, and after studying.

Only juicing volunteers have experienced a clear transition to the composition of their mouth microbiome, researchers found, characterized by a reduction of beneficial firmicutes bacteria and an increase of proteobacteria, which has been Link to inflammation. Researchers have also found more gentle gut changes to people who are just juice; They tend to experience a relative -related increase in bacteria that are linked to gut permeability, inflammation, and refusal of giving. People in a juicing/whole food food experience smaller transfers to their microbiomes compared to the juicing-only group, while those in a plant-based diet have experienced potentially useful that change.

“These findings suggest that short -term juice consumption may negatively affect microbiota,” researchers wrote in their role, Na -Published Last month in the journal Nutritions. Importantly, changes tied to a juicing-only diet can be caused not only by the lack of fiber, but by the high sugar content found in these drinks.

The study is based on a small sample of volunteers, so it will take more research to replicate and truly confirm team results here. But fiber is known to be an integral part of a healthy diet. Researchers say their work shows the importance of non -sidelining fiber, even if you think you favor your body with a quick juice.

“Most people think of juicing as a healthy cleaning, but this study offers a check of fact,” said the study senior researcher Melinda Ring, director of Osher Center for Integrative Health at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, at A statement from the university. “If you love juicing, consider the mixture instead of keeping the fiber intact, or pairing the juices with full food to balance the effect on your microbiome.”

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