New DC Comics case can express a big problem for James Gunn's Superman

A new claim is threatening the release of the director James Gunn's long-awaited “Superman” film. He is the co-chair of Galaxy's Trilogy, as well as Suicide Board, “Suicide Board,” Suicide Board “in Warner Bros. “Superman” serves as a center of effort. Now the property of one of the superhero unites has dropped a key to the gears.

According to EndingWho is the property of Joseph Shuster In the 1938 “Activity Comics” pages, Jerry Siegel is united next to the characterWarner has launched a suit in New York, claiming that Bros is not eligible to release Superman in several countries around the world. Mark Warren Peary, property executors, “Damage and hurt” in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Australia, as well as “Damage and Incorse” in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Australia. “

This is a large number of legal, but essentially Peary is deprived of behalf of the property that does not control the right to “Superman” in several countries. Timing could not be worse “Superman” broadcasting the first trail in DecemberIn July, it is set to hit theaters. Warner is a spokesman for Bros, we discovered, “We will not be pleased with the essence of the case and will defend our rights boldly,” he said.

At the moment, it is not clear how much damage to how the work will be played and how much damage. However, the court claim requires a jury. The suit claims that “the direct violations of the defendants are deliberately and purposefully, and are deprived of a determination, and the rights of the bidder.” He claims that the suit will be determined in the trial.

“As a result of direct and separating the violation of the accused copyright and exclusive rights, the plaintiff was damaged in the amount of the bidder, including the true detriments and the benefits of the defendants.”

Superman faces a difficult battle in the 11th hour

This is the first time for the rights over the years. Siegel and Shuster were signed in 1938 with the rights of a world for $ 130 characters. During this time, various legal disputes appeared. In 2009, for example, before the production “Steelman”, a court decision awarded Jerry Siegel's property 50% of Superman Rights.

This new suit is hung on copyright law in several countries. Shuster had to start a 25-year term in the 25-year period in the laid in the costumes in 1992. “Copyright laws of the countries with British legal tradition – Such countries that automatically terminate such tasks, including Canadian, United Kingdom, Ireland and Australia,” Costume States. After that, the diver claims that foreign rights should be returned to Shuster's property:

“Shuster died in 1992 and in Siegel in 1996. With the use of the law, in most of these areas (and in 2021, in 2021, in 2021, the permission of the property, television service and, including goods, directly involved in the joint contrast of copyright laws of these countries, directly demanding the consent of all common copyright owners. “

Suits like this can cause real problems. Confusing over James Bond rights “Goldeneye in the 1990s” Goldeneye. Hollywood has a large number of other examples in history. For Warner Bros., this claim comes from an awkward, because the global marketing campaign for Gunn's film continues. Whether the suit is prevented from release, but the gears of legal systems include slowly.

The biggest issue is Gunn, Safran and WB They use “Superman” to build all DC universe. It's more than just a movie. In this case, there is a probability that the studio can be resolved outside the court because it belongs to the court. If the case does not resolve, the work may be confused in the coming months.

“Superman” hit the theaters on July 11, 2025.

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