Ray J Negotiations 'Drumline' loses lead to Nick Cannon (Video)

Ray j 'Drumline' in 'Drumline' lost the role of the lead Nick cannon.

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Ray J 'Talks about listening to J' Drumline '

On January 27, “We Play” Nick Top and Courtney bees' play 'Spades' Spades released YouTube. In addition, the episode was presented as a guest of Ray Ray. In addition, about 24 minutes, according to the ball career, especially the ray of the movement.

But when talking more, Ray J said, “I do not allow me to do the movies and people now.”

In addition, Ray explained why he did not know. However, the ball asked the conversation, “Have you listened to 'drumline'?”

In turn, Ray asked why the ball “did it” to him, that he knew the “story” of what happened, adding that he knew the ball. Ray explained that when he went to read the role, he was “not a specialist.”

“I was a mess! It was like this … It was disgusting. Performance was always low. Terrible.”

Singer talks about losing his leading role to Nick Cannon

As he continues to talk, Ray was not intended for him, but instead he admitted that he was intended for the ball.

“And this will be really locked, but still it was not for me, it was for you,” Ray said. “So, whatever you do, if you do you, it bowed me.”


Per InkCannon has previously revealed the role of 'Drumline' with the help of Smith.

Ray J developed headlines to talk about marriage and potential divorce before

Like Shadow room Previously, the singer also created headlines in the beginning of this month. At that time, his two fathers took a livestream with fans to share an update with his marriage to the prince.

Ray explained that love wants to continue with her Last Divorce Documents “Sometimes.” But he wants to get married. As a result, the singer explained that he is currently “legally allocated.”

Related: Things to work? Ray J shares and prince love still receives divorce after drama associated with Sukihana

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