The transgender activist Dylan Mulpani said that the transgender individuals have “Religion and Faith” It is used against them, and they hope that the Americans will feel “ashamed” to look back in the government's treatment of converted individuals during an interview with CNN on Friday.
Molvani was fire after the publication of a video in April 2023, where he revealed Anhoser Bush, he sent a package of Light bud with the influencer's face as part of a promotional batch and to celebrate the full year of Molvani from moving to a “girl”.
Sarah Sidiner asked CNN, a transgender activist about what her mother told her when she came out to her as a sexual transgender when she was only four years old.
Transient activist Dylan Molvani raises sex orders in the Trump era
“I came to her and said,” I think I, God, made a mistake. Putting a girl in a boy's body. And she said: “God does not make mistakes.” Mulvaney replied in many ways, I still think that is true. “I think people often feel isolated because we are subjected to religion and faith against us.”

Molvani said during her CNN interview that she needs to spend some time from the spotlight after she referred to him as “Al -Bireh Gate”, her controversial partnership with Bud Light, which led to a tremendous violent reaction. (Getty Images)
Sidner then claimed that the government is currently focusing on transgender “in the most negative way”, in a sign President Donald Trump Executive order “two”.
Trump Executive order“Defending women from the extremism of the gender ideology and restoring the biological truth of the federal government”, on its first day in office. It is imposed on the federal government to recognize only the sexes – males and females – based on non -changeable biological properties, which must be reflected on official documents, such as passports.
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“There is an entire entire government that focuses heavily on people who are transgender in the most negative way. They change the passports to the sex of people appointed at birth. They say only two types. There is only one bathroom that you are allowed to go to. What do you do with all this?” Sidner asked.
Mulpani responded by admitting that regardless of what the passport says, or what sex referred to as sex is by government officials, it does not change those they and how they see themselves.
“Well, I just have to remember that regardless of what my travel is permissible or that you know what the government official is controlling me, this does not change who I am and who I see every day, and who are my colleagues from the converted people,” Mulvani answered.

The transgender activist was explicit about her rejection of Trump's sex -focused executive orders.
The transient influencer continued, claiming that the government uses transgender people as a “common enemy” to distract from the other problems the world faces. Molvani also expressed his hope that people will feel “ashamed” when they looked back in this time period.
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“You know, not to return it to (music)” bad guys “, but they talk about finding a common enemy of a kind of sanitation about what is going on in the world. We are less than 1 % and we do not harm anyone. We are not monsters.” “So I hope that when we look back in this time period, we will be completely ashamed of what this seemed.”
Lindsay Kornick from Fox News Digital contributed to this report.