By Robert Skucci
| Published

If you have read my movie reviews for years, you will see the same amazing example of what my wife, children, parents and best friends have taken professionally for the wide cognitive behavioral therapy. I approve Bad Movies – I really amaze them because it is very easy, because so much objective is so objective, because I am happy. Finally after watching 2002 Balli: ECKS vs REDI think I finally hit the breaking point because I don't have a refund quality I can think of this movie (artistic, commercial or other way) and I still do not make sure the film is.
I love bad movies because I admire everyone who is hesitating themselves to bring an idea for life. Most of us say we can do it better, but the reality is that we cannot. But in case of Balli: ECKS vs REDI am ready to re-evaluate my situation on the issue.
In this writing, Balli: ECKS vs RED ranked as the worst movie reviewed so far Rotten tomatoes. The film does not give a critical result in only 0 percent, these 118 unique reviews protected this abstracted assessment, made it real penisenter in every way of feelings and senses in the way.
What is the point?

I followed Balli: ECKS vs RED Once regularly, read the whole plot of the plot on Wikipedia and IMB, while studying with the plot, followed the second time in 2x, and it is still a disgusting $ 70 million. I will probably try to feel that before I throw my hands and before I was a religious person, because I have lost it in my whole life and I need a higher power to go back.
The alleged plot

Balli: ECKS vs RED When we are familiar with the title characters, it starts somewhat fit.
First, we are aware of Sever (Liu liu) An an orphaned Chinese girl (DIA) and adolescent in a minor by defense intelligence agency (DIA) will be a heartless, highly qualified hired mercenary for reasons that ended in a minor. Robert Gant, Robert Gant (Gregg Henry), Dia Drumpond (Gregg Henry) son Michael Drummond (Aidan Drummond), due to not explained. Ex-FBI Agent Jeremiah Oxion (Antonio Banderas) Retirement is asked to leave, but the wife of his wife bombed the FBI because they left the FBI after death.
The reason why the gant work is so important is that Robert has implanted a biological weapon known to Michael to smuggle technology to the United States. How is Softill work, do you ask? Well, this is a microscopic nanobot that can cause a heart attack attack or something you can't hit in a button press Put your own child.
Peppery in an increasingly denied exposure between the compiled and budget-budget-budget-budget-swelling sequence Balli: ECKS vs RED One of the waiters to be waiting for the majority of tired movement movies. They both set aside their differences because they are fighting against a similar enemy and protect their days from a certain extent, and they can save the clock from a certain amount of opposition to always be relatively injured result in death.
I don't give you no points and have mercy on the spirit of God

After watching Balli: ECKS vs REDFirst of all, I recommended my friend recommending it. One second, in fact, when I was asleep and sleeping, I thought I had a hit after my torment 91 minutes and I thought I had a hit. After talking to the heart of a long heart, I said my convenience that my experience was not the “my” problem, but the result of finding and trying to make the real worst film.
I still thought that the smell of the burned toast finally crawled to me, I was free to see if I could begin to recover in motivation and hospitality Ballistic: ECKS vs. Cut off.
If you want to be a variety like no other, you can take the feeling of you if you want to be a variety of blasts as a migraine Hum (condition of existence in the place) or Play Google It's like writing.