By Robert Skucci
| Updated

If you are one of the people who think Keanu Reeves can't make any mistakes, you probably didn't see Replicas– Even John Wick itself is one of the most casual hilarious science-fi movies that can not escape certain suffering. With a plot that is more holes than the old socks you refuse to go, Replicas So far, my shame is so much potential for such potential to become a comedy of the highest calibrated mistakes in the absence of so many shame.
Have you watched a movie that feels like a trapped in the wrong genre?
For me is that movie ReplicasAnd if you want to see what I want to say, you can broadcast the title in TUBI.
A quick breakdown progress

Keanu Reeves William describes Foster ReplicasAnd it is a kind of crazy scientist who dedicates your life to find a way to transfer your life to Android orroid authorities. By using the translucent floating touch screen technology of the same type used by Tony Stark MCUWilliam, with the last failed prototype, William, William, is waking up to solve the problem of prototype, which is close to wake, but according to the employer, Bionyne Corporation, colleague, Ed Whitte (Thomas) Midbleditch).
İş yerində vaxtın evinin cəbhəsindən ayrı düşməsinə səbəb olduğunu bilən William, William, həyat yoldaşı Mona, Mona (Emily Alyn Lind), Matt (Emily Alyn Lind), Matt (Emily Anthony) və Zoe (Aria Leon) və Zoe (Aria Leon), Zoe (Aria Leon), Zoe (Aria Leon) və Zoe (Aria Leon), Zoe (Aria Leon) və Zoe (Aria Leon), Zoe (Aria Leon), Zoe (Aria Leon) and Zoe (Aria Leon), Zoe (Aria Leon), Zoe (Aria Leon), Zoe (Aria Leon), Zoe (Aria Leon), Zoe (Aria Leon), Zoe (Aria Leon), Zoe (Aria Leon), Very handy boat walk
As you expected, the ship's visit is very wrong Replicas Because William's family is killed without sailing in a car accident.
Alone with clones

The William's family is first devastated when the family was killed ReplicasHowever, when thinking about the failures of 345, there is a clear moment of clarity (read: madness) and suddenly get four fresh bodies in need of resurrection.
And William, how can you successfully convert the bodies to functional replicas? Steals all extremely expensive and useless equipment from Bionyne. Now using the basement, William Jerry-Rigs, with three cloning pods with car batteries, just to remember that the dead family member should resurrect. William, who degraded a moral and ethical compass, the moral and ethical compass, the moral and ethical compass worsened by his work, Named after William, ZEA decided to have a metaphorical short straw.
The rest of his family succeeded in regaining, William decides the replicas of “Eternal Sun”, Mona, Sophie and Matt, so there are no memories of Zoe after restoring awareness. Meanwhile, everyone in Bionyne is sitting there, because Heck William did not think that Heck William is going, and you really need to know where the person is carried by a person with a number of financing.
Was to be a comedy

Replicas I suffered a lot of swipe and watched the whole time I was shouting to be funny to TV. All of the elements for the quality comedy of the mistakes only lie below the surface, but suffocate.
William'n the absence of a non-exciting qualmion from playing God with his dead family, the nature of Christopher Lloyd's DOC Brown would not land completely The future franchise or rick sanchez Rick and Deadly.
The spiritual effects of a crazy scientist trying to fulfill the scientist, no one knows what he has hit the shareholders, because he did not sleep in days and spare the cover because he did not sleep in days and did not think of this disaster element If I had to boots, a crushing and effective comedy.
Or even better, Zoe's hide and the rest of the living room for forgetting to explain the father of his family because he forgot to throw his father in the dump.
Unfortunately my morbid hypothetical situations are not just playing for my own entertainment Replicasand I left with an unparalleled blend of a story that does not mean.
In this written, you can stream Replicas Free in Tubi.