Warning: This article contains egg for “Star Trek: Episode 31.”
At the end of Osunsanmi's new TV movie, Star Trek: Episode 31, a ragtag group of mercenaries and a group of ethics-optional mercenaries are recreated in a space bar/casino for drinking. They narrowly escape their mission, but are happy to be bound by their mutual peril. The survivors of the adventure, led by the Empress (Michelle Yeoh), will now become a permanent institution within the 31st section of Starfleet's black-ops organization. “Chapter 31” isn't the pilot episode, but it looks like the characters, their home base, and what a potential TV series might look like. At least the filmmakers are delivering a result.
While playing pranks on powerful spirits and each other, the film's antiheroes receive a call from their new boss, Control (Jamie Lee Curtis). The review noted that his better judgment precluded him from assigning new missions, but cautioned against suing “better judgment” in this case. He then asks if any of the 31 crew are on a planet called Turna IV.
This name will trigger trekkies for the perk. Turka IV was the planet where Tasha Yar and (Denise Crosby) grew up. Of course, Tasha Yar became the chief security officer for the board of Enterprise-D in the first season of “Star Trek: The Next Generation.” The character was killed by a tar monster At the beginning of the series, he did not feel like Crosby and wanted to continue with the movies instead.
Yaran often talked about Turkana IV and how terrible it was. As it turns out, Turka IV was a kind of failed colonial experiment that eventually turned into a criminal landscape.
Turkana IV was a failed experiment
Qualified language, but Tasha Yark has often noted that Turka IV was overrun by colony-loving “rape gangs” looking for victims to attack. Several flashbacks in the episode “Nobody's Gone” show Turkana IV as crumbling, shadowy, and eerie. It looks like a haunted house. Going by many of Tomorrow's depictions, Turkana IV was intended to be a sprawling colony with its own government. But the planet , quickly devolved into a civil war between the two factions. The parties were called a coalition and an alliance, leaving no followers as the ethics that divided them. Yar, both factions from the federation declared an independent colony and plunged the entire planet into lawlessness.
It was a stark contrast to Gene Rodenberry's utopian optimism. It seems that even federation colonies may fall. Money wasn't part of Star Trek's future, but it seems that money and sibling poverty caught up. Because help is often used, despite the institution, they hardly know about substance addiction. And yes, sex gangs roamed free.
Starfleet sent Starfleet to Turkana IV to try to re-establish order, but Starfleet personnel were not allowed to beam. There it was like a prison from “Escape from New York” and did not make official contact. In the Next Generation episode “Legacy” (October 29, 1990), Enterprise-D visited Turkana IV to rescue a small rescue POD that had crashed there. “Legacy” found that all the cities on the surface of the planet were destroyed and the criminal gangs were all moved underground. There has been no word from Turkana IV since this episode, and the federation appears desperate to prevent its continued descent into violence and crime.
31 divisions led to the fall of Turkana IV?
At least we know it is possible to escape Turkana IV. Tasha Yar escaped the colony at the age of 15, returned to civilization and eventually became a starfleet officer. It is tragic that he was killed in the line of duty.
Of course, “Part 31” is set in the late 2250s or early 2260s, before the events of the original “Star Trek” and about a century before the events of “Star Trek: The Next Generation.” If so, then Turkana IV has not yet fallen and is still in an idealized location (Gen. Because Turkana IV is still in good condition (probably) during the events of “Section 31” There is every reason to believe that Georgiou and there is every reason to believe that the retinue of Neer-Do-Wells went there, and did something bad to the local Government.
There's every reason to believe that the final line of dialogue in “Star Trek: Episode 31” will take place on the potential sequel's Turkana IV, where Episode 31 will be active in the fall of the colony. It may not take a few decades to get to what trackdikes Tasha Yarlar sees in her flashbacks, but the impact of 31 will definitely provide the catalyst. These additional cements Section 31 as peasant organizationand something that deliberately kills people and corrupts governments for their own ends.
“Part II Part II” is certainly another timely story about the corruption of an idealized republic and how it helps to tell a story about the transformation into authoritarianism and how easy it is in the hands of demagogues. Perhaps part 31 is the reason why Rodenberry's Utopia is not possible in every colony. It certainly made for a violent story.