Shopify took Kanye's Swastika T-shirt shop, but another antiseemite storefront still operates

Shopify took the online store of Kanye West after the musician sold the T-shirts with a swastika symbol.

West, who also went through you, advertised his online store to a commercial Super Bowl on Sunday, directing viewers to his website, where the only item listed was the swastika T-shirt.

Although Shopify has removed a policy that prohibits sellers from hosting -Host “hate content“Last year, the giant e-commerce removed Ye's store on Tuesday, days after the Super Bowl ad appeared. Shopify reported that the storefront was closed because of the potential for fraud, and not because it sold a T a T -shirt nazi, according to An internal memo seen by logic, a public tech publication.

“All merchants are responsible for complying with the policies of our platform. This merchant is not engaged in real commerce skills and violated our terms so that we have removed them from Shopify,” said of the company in the techcrunch in a statement.

During the past week, you make There are so many antisemark posts To X, full pride expression That he is a Nazi and does not “want or trust any Jew.” He praised Adolf Hitler, Then write“I appreciate Elon by allowing me to be inventing” before removing his account.

Techcrunch asked X if you deleted the account itself or if the platform removed it; X.

However, X has set the preceding Holocaust's denial, praise to Hitler, and Nazi's support is allowed on the platform. The Techcrunch found an example of an X creator with 200,000 followers who uses Shopify to sell products that glorify Auschwitz's death camps and take care of the Holocaust rejection.

While Shopify removes the YE's swastika merch, other antiseemite store remains on the platform; Shopify did not return the TechCrunch request for comment on why that shop was allowed to remain.

Further reporting from Maxwell Zeff.

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