Slight Solar Eclipse can be seen at sunrise today: Here's how it can be watched

Today is the day: a solar eclipse will darken the sky in the northern -east of the US and Canada in the early hours of Saturday. Not like “Great American Eclipse” of 2024However, it will not be a total eclipse. Instead, this event will be a slight eclipse visible in parts of the northern hemisphere.

While this one is a lack of dramatic “total” of the 2024 event, a slight eclipse is still worth seeing. The sun is not completely fuzzy, but with proper eye protection, you will see the moon take a bite during the day. And there is a catch, but it is also an opportunity: this eclipse will take place at sunrise in North America, meaning that the sun is almost not just above the reach. But that timing offers viewers the opportunity to see the famous “devil horns” – a Crescent of solar light Appears from the rear of the moon.

When can you watch this partial solar eclipse, and the devil's horns? Let's talk about how to safely watch this eclipse.

The partial solar eclipse can be seen in areas of the northern hemisphere. It can be seen at sunrise in Eastern North America and sunset in Siberia, Russia on Saturday, March 29. In Europe, it can be viewed around mid -morning. But the trace of the event is limited: there is no eclipse found in the west of Toronto, Canada, and Washington, DC in North America.

The NASA map shows the extent of the range of the month's month during the eclipse of March 29th.

The global map of the slightly solar eclipse from NASA is more than a little confusing, but here's how to read it. The yellow curve is the path of the slight solar eclipse, moving from west to the east. The lighter color yellow curves provide the percentage of the sun. (In other words, how much of the day the moon covers is dependent on where you are and when you are looking.)

Most Europe can only be seen around a 20 percent obscene (except Greenland and Iceland), for example, while the intense northern -east of the United States will see up to 89 percent of the day covered. The Quebec Nunavik region will see a maximum of obscene 94 percent. The green lines on the map show the development of the eclipse over time. Seasons are given to the UTC, which is four hours earlier during the eastern day.

However, sunrise and sunset make things more complicated. This is described on the orange loop map. The left side of the loop (in the Great Lakes in the United States) shows where the eclipse ends At sunrise. Therefore, the eclipse is not visible west of that orange line. The right side of the loop is where the eclipse begins At sunrise.

This means to see the maximum slight solar eclipse in the sunrise, it is best to include the blue line running in the middle of the orange loop. .

If it doesn't seem to be confusing, that is because in fact it is incomprehensible. Some areas with maximum obscene will have a shorter eclipse duration because the partial eclipse will start before sunrise. The sun will also be low in the end in North America, so any location of view needs to be more than tall trees with a clear view of sunrise. In Europe, viewing locations will be easier because the sun will be higher in the sky – but the sun will not be fuzzy.

For example, in Bar Harbor, Maine, the sun will rise by 6:19 am, and the maximum eclipse will be at 6:22 am, with 80 percent of the day hidden. The slight eclipse will end at 7:11 AM. However, technically, the eclipse will start at 5:26 AM ET, but since before sunrise, the Mainers will be annoyed at about half of their potential eclipse time.

Moving south, the best view is by the coast of New England, then through Boston, New York City and Philadelphia. The path that usually ends in Washington, DC, where only 1.2 percent of the day is blurred at 6:59 am et.

The people will see the biggest bite taken during the day.

According to Time and dateOnly 44,800 people will find a 90 percent slight eclipse, while 3,820,000 will see an 80 percent. That was a big shout from 30 million people in the whole path for the 2024 total solar eclipse.

No, it is not on Earth that a total solar eclipse can be seen for this event. For any solar eclipse to occur, the sun, moon and soil need to be linked. However, since the moon does not borrow the same plane as the sun and the earth, the eclipses are rare.

A slight solar eclipse, as occurring on March 29, occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the earth, but it is not perfectly lined up. As a result, the sun will have a crescent shape – as if the moon will bite out of the sun – but it will never be completely fuzzy as it is during a total eclipse.

The visible duration of the eclipse depends on where you are, and what time the sunrise (or sunset) is in your location. But all over the world, the eclipse begins at 4:50 am et (8:50 AM UTC). The maximum eclipse will take place at 6:47 am et (10:47 AM UTC), and the event will end at 8:43 am et (12:43 pm UTC). However, keep in mind that this does not mean that the whole partial eclipse is about four hours in any given location because it is only for the extreme edges of the event.

It is spring throughout the northern hemisphere, which generally means that it is not a desirable time for any view of the sky. The channel of the weather Senior Digital Meteorologist Chris Dolce It is said that the cloud cover, and even the rain and snow, may be likely in the northern -east of the United States during the eclipse, so this is not good news there, unfortunately.

Anything that involves looking at the sun, at least 5 or 10 percent of the day, in need Eye protection. The sun can damage your retinas quickly, painless and often irreversible.

If you have solar viewers left from the 2024 eclipse, and they will not be broken, they will also work for this one. According to the American Astronomical Society (AAS), modern eclipse glasses will not be lost. It is worth checking them thoroughly, though, make sure there are no rips, tears or scratches throughout the lens and that the filters and lenses are still attached to the frame.

Solar eclipse glasses can be difficult to buy at the last minute, so it's always good to keep them around. However, if you have ddonated or that your previous pair has been trapped (or have not purchased them in the first place), you can buy them online -with some caution. Make sure any solar viewers adhere to ISO 12312-2: 2015 (E) Safety Safety Standards, and check the manufacturer against it List of brands from AAS. Counterfeit eclipse glasses are widely leading to 2024 eclipse.

Celestron is a reliable manufacturer of solar viewer equipment, and the company's eclipse glasses are easily available to Amazon For a low price (even at this point, you are stocking for Next eclipsesMost of these are better viewed from the Southern Hemisphere).

A unique feature of solar eclipses during sunrise is that you can see the well -known “demon horns,” depending on where you are. When the sun rises during an eclipse (and therefore the sun is low in reach), as the Crescent day rises, it can look like demon horns coming out of the ground.

Between the cloud layers, a slightly solar eclipse is seen at sunrise over the rice lake, Ontario, as the sun, which is slightly covered by the moon, rises in a beautiful orange sky above trees and water.
An earlier sunrise of the slight eclipse in Rice Lake, Ontario shows the “devil horns” phenomenon.
John Fader by Getty photos

It is best to target Maine, New Brunswick, and Quebec (with the Blue line on the map of NASA) to see this phenomenon.

In addition, the sun is currently in or near the maximum solar, which means our star is actually at the peak of its 11-year solar cycle. Scientists have determined that the sun hit the highest level of solar activity in October 2024, and it will continue a year or more. This means that there may be sunspots visible on the sun when the eclipse hits. (For context, here's what the day Looks like nowThe beauty of NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.) If you have solar binocular or a solar telescope, it is easier to see.

If you ask yourself this question, you probably know the answer: Nope! Not without solar filter. Whether it's a phone camera, binocular, a telescope or a glass -free camera, the sun can do severe damage to this type of equipment. (On Apollo 12, astronaut Alan Bean accidentally pointed to a television camera during the day, unable to stop its destruction. Don't do it!)

You can choose solar filters at a camera store or online, or in a pinch, you can only use an extra pair of solar viewers. Just remove the movie and tape it on your smartphone's camera, but don't look at the sun when the camera is aimed unless you are wearing solar viewers too. If you are interested in looking at the sun regularly, a pair of solar binoculars with a permanently attached filter is a good idea.

This article originally appeared at the Engadget at

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