While Stanley Kubrick was well respected in his period, he probably could not win as many Oscars as you think. Of course, he was the best director for “Dr. Strangelove,” One Space Odyssey, “An hour's work”, “Shining”, “Shining”, no Oscar nods, on the other hand, “Honor” were happy for, says more about Razzies more than Kubrick's horror classic.)
The only Oscar Win in Kubrick was the best special visual effects for “2001: Space Odyssey” for the best special visual effects for the 1968 Sci-Fi movie. The film competed with the “ice station zebra”, Rock Hudson, who spreads the performance of the Mixed Reviews and the Middle box, fought against a spying thriller. If the academy was a kind of defect against the Kubric, as some suspects fans, “Space Odyssey” could not win this; For more than half a century, the film looks fantastic.
Those who have to be sealed in this category in this category, David (Keir Dullea) witnessed the sequence of three-minute lights. Kubrick's in Kubrick to do this scene “2001” Douglas Trumbull was to invent a special “Slit Scan”Then “Doctor Who” and “Star Trek” will be used in shows. In this visually surprising sequence, there was not just a way to avoid recognizing the film in this category of the academy.
2001: A space odyssey won Oscar for visual effects, but what about other categories?
“2001” was a candidate for the best original scenario, but this time Mel Brooks lost to “manufacturers”. I think that the dialogue of this decision was compared to the “manufacturers” of the film “manufacturers” of the film, but considering that everyone agreed. Critic GILES M. Fowles wrote after the ceremony“I can only think of the 'Manufacturers' option as the best original scenario – the best original scenario. It was a very funny sketch, but it was a bad sketch against his environment.”
Meanwhile, Kubrick lost the best director's race until the winner of Carol Reed, who won for Oliver. (Charles Dickens Roman, English cycle musical drama based on “Oliver Twist”). “Oliver!” That year, the best picture won, was completely excluded from the “2001” category. Given the most widespread “2001: Space Odyssey”, Given the most widespread “2001: Space Odyssey”, it seems open wrong choice. But even in this case, some critics seemed very disappointed in this conclusion. Giles m. like a bird wrote in an article After the ceremony:
“Perhaps the worst blow from my point of view, the best director was the choice of Reed. Reed could not be blamed for his work, but in 2001 he did not approach Kubrick's surprising invention. ' […] I swear by not rewarding another thought to the academy or watch them so far. Until next year. “
Kubrick himself did not look very important for any award. In 2001, it was not the case at the ceremony to take it in winning OSCAR for visual effects. Fans can Discussion Which film deserves to win the best director Oscar for KubrickBut immediately after the statement of a true director, it does not leave much about how their images are taken. As once put on time A report with film critic Michelle Ciment:
“From the beginning, all the films were shared by critics. Some thought it was beautiful and others found it very little to say. […] But, of course, a film is continuously and the most important reputation of the most important reputation is not based on opinions, but if there is anything, people say about it and how much love is about it. “