Subtl Beauty's Makeup Collection Is the Ideal 'Go-to Everyday Solution'

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If you are an overcharger Usyou probably understand the struggle of having your suitcase weighed down by all your makeup products – you can't travel without them! That's why we're kicking off the new year by brainstorming useful solutions like a nearly weightless, collapsible makeup trio that fits into the tiniest parts of our travel bags. Subtle Beauty is our new way to travel (and beyond), creating comfort, customizable makeup “stacks” which is light and easy to carry.

While Subtl Beauty has many products to help streamline your makeup routine, this easy, collapsible system is a must-have. To whom build your own stackyou start by choosing a mirror cap, base and mini brush. Each foundation (you can choose a concealer, pressed powder or highlighter) is highly pigmented and comes in a variety of shades to suit all skin tones. You can also shop for a lip and cheek combo. Each piece is assembled to create a collapsible compartment that's super easy to throw into your everyday bag or bag before you head out on a trip.

If you need some building inspiration, there are different videos on the site Subtl Beauty makeup stackswhich shows how easily each part can be turned on and off. No hassle to access your products here! If these beautiful clips weren't enough, almost all the reviews in the stacks are positive, with customers praising both the system and the makeup.

One reviewer called it an “everyday solution.” They added: “When I discovered Subtl, I was looking for a simple make-up routine for travel, but it quickly became my go-to everyday solution for looking put together. It's a makeup line that fits in the palm of your hand, in a collapsible system, but better.”

“I've always been incredibly amazed by the makeup options and how to use it,” shared another. “Subtl was the first brand to give me a quiz so I could create the perfect Stack for me. Not only did it make choosing my makeup an easy process, but it also gave me insight into where each product went, which was amazing for someone who's never been taught makeup.”

Some have even called it “the best invention ever” and said they love “having my stack to put makeup on.”

Whether you're always on the go or booking a big vacation, you won't regret giving it a try Subtl Beauty system for yourself. A more roomy (and probably cheaper) travel bag awaits!

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