The best episode of Star Trek TNG has destroyed the greatest character

By Chris SnellGrove
| Published

Star Trek: The next generation There was a great episode for seven seasons, but none was “not as effective as the best of both worlds”. This ambitious two parter, Captain Picard's acquiring by Borg, caused the Riker's command to the enterprise, and eventually led the aliens from the ground. What is about the “best of both worlds” is the best river episode ever made. Unfortunately, after this episode, the Riker was never very interesting to make the show.

Best of both worlds and the riker

RedletterMedia helps more casual fans, “Both the best of both worlds”, partly so large, because the hood applies to what happened to him. Two parter moping starting in two parter mopies to whether the ships are captain in one of the starfleet, or ensure the most comfortable enterprise. After the unexpected assimilation of the pikard and the rapid field, the RICER really was the best in both worlds to become a captain and stay in the facility.

After “the best of both worlds in the world”, the Ricycle becomes less interesting as a character. For example, it is mainly a follower who asks the audience to ask in their place. For example, when the Chief Engineer attempted to explain the time hitting the “cause and effect”, “The Riker is following the relatively technical explanation,” he sat on the table, and there was a tenth? “

You will see everywhere after start seeing it. After the “best of both worlds”, the reinforcement function is quite dumb for the audience as the Surrogat of the audience, even the least followers to understand them. This phenomenon has passed from the series: in First contactAfter the information, Borg “Chronometric particles” (chronometric particles “are used and Picard says,” They create a temporary vortex, “the Riker is still writing things for mixed ones.”

You can't think of “the best of both worlds”, really killed the nature of the Riker because he had funny lines that the actor allowed Jonathan Frakes to fully channel considerable charisma. But look at the past of sweet quotes and sexual moments and this is a Riker Troi and Dr. Crusher will see that a character that passes through movements in almost every episode will be a bit. The more deterioration of the issues is to effectively complete the failure of its behavior. The Riker never received his captain in his series and was after the incident Unmatchabsolute the worst by Tng movies.

Before leaving your phaser and extinguishing the amazing, we must emphasize that we love both “the best of both worlds” and the Commander Riker. However, we hate to see that good potential is wasted and the Riker should take a command, TNG writers should give him worthy writings as a consolation award. Unfortunately, this lovely character has only passed the actions; Even sadness, these actions are not approximately As a riker maneuver as fun.

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