The food network star publishes pictures of good time with her granddaughter

Ri Dramund He loves to be the grandmother.

in Instagram post Food Network, 56, participated on Sunday, participating in a sweet video of herself with her first grandson, Sofia Mary. In the video, Drummond can be seen ticking her granddaughter while laughing.

“When the virgin has a child, it looks like he looked completely, you recall all the delicious feelings of motherhood for the first time, but without depriving sleep, hormones and confusion.” “I didn't think I was ready after crossing alongside the grandmother from the street, but the Lord in the sky … I love it and I am very grateful for this gift.”

In another post recently on Instagram, Drummond shared her photos with Sofia Marie, called on the post, “in the era of my grandmother.”

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Dramund's irrigation division

Dramond loves to be in the “Jeddah era”. (Tyler Essary/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images; Ree Drummond/Instagram)

Both jobs have received positive reactions from friends and fans.

Jenny Mars, HGTV star, wrote, “I mean, the most common star, while Zoe Frano added,” Zoë Bakes “on Max,” Oh, this age looks great for you! “

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“This only heats my heart a lot. What a beautiful child, what a beautiful family,” Carney Wilson Added in the video comments section.

“I didn't think I was ready after crossing alongside the grandmother from the street, but the Lord in the sky … I love it and I am very grateful for this gift.”

– Ri Dramund

Dramund's daughter, Alex Darmond Scott, and her husband, Mauricio Scott, welcomed Sofia Marie in December 2024, where they announced birth on Instagram with black and white pictures with her.

The former food network star later announced the birth of her first grandson for her followers Its website on the InternetShe wrote that while she might be biased, she finds her granddaughter “perfect”.

Alex Dramond smiles with her husband

Alex Dramond Scott and her husband welcomed their daughter in December 2024. (Alex Drummond/Instagram)

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“I say that as much as I can. But I am not joking … it's perfect,” she wrote at that time. “Like, if you search for” perfect “in the Merriam-WebSter, you will refer to Sofia Scott, and perhaps until a picture of it appears. Although this will be technically an encyclopedia.

In August 2024, the other Drumond daughter, Paige, participated in the Pioneer Woman magazine, and later placed on her website, that she returned to the family farm after leaving her commercial job to work alongside her father, Lad DramondAs a full -time cattle farm.

The blog post included a video of Paije talking about her decision, explaining that she “never thought that I would return here to work on the farm”, and he removed “this possibility completely.

“I didn't enjoy it a lot when I was younger, but after that with the age and went to the college and then started working full time, I really realized how much I missed and I just wanted to return here and try it.”

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Irwad Dramund, you think a picture

Rai's daughter, Paige, returned to the farm to work alongside her father. (Monica Schipper/Getty Images for Pioneer Woman magazine)

“My father was like, as you know, you do not have to be here forever if you do not want it, but you will never know if you want it unless you want, give it a snapshot. So this is a kind of What I do now. It was great so far. “

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