The Ministry of Transport at Massachusetts says that a successful demonstration of the supply of medical offer via drone

Massachusetts residents may soon be able to have any medical needs and medical products supplied to their homes.

The Massachusetts department The Aeronautics Division Division (Massdot) said on Tuesday that the drones were successfully evaluated to be used to provide medical needs for various operational needs such as providing health care and emergency management.

Between August and December 2024 there was a demonstration including three companies, including Draganfly.

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Pilot Droneup will prepare a drone to deliver the test set COVID-19 Self Collection to the house after ordering. (Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images / Getty Images)

Flight simulations have been evaluated to see if companies could successfully provide supplies to support home health care.

“This Demonstration of Medical Delivery It underlines the value of drones for many operational needs, ”said Massdot Secretary and CEO of Monica Tibits-Nutt.

Drones carried simulated useful loads for at least one mile and transport packages up to £ 10, according to Massdot.

Dan O'Toole, CEO of the Indiana, company, will arrive with AI, cooperated with Massdot in case studies and was able to supply medical needs using drones to places in Lynn.


The pharmacy offers a view through a glass pane to a fully automatic medicine store. ((Photo: Andreas Arnold / Picture Alliance through Getty Images) / Getty Images)

“Everyone gets more supplies from different stores every day. So someone who coordinates it is what you need, we're there,” O'Tooool said, talking about the role of AI in the study. “For every 1% of vans that are made until arrival, it takes 3,000 trucks from the road here in the US”

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Draganfly said they are grateful for participating in Drone Medical Delivery Pilot and said it was evidence of his abilities, reputation and determination to provide solutions that strengthen global organizations, save time, money and lives.

“Our drone technology has the potential of revolution in providing medical needs and providing timely and cost -effective solutions for domestic health and emergency reactions,” said Cameron Chell, president and CEO of Draganfly. “This cooperation with Massdot Aeronautics emphasizes our credibility and determination to develop public security and health care through innovative drone solutions.”

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Between 8:00 and 20:00, customers will be able to order tens of thousands of eligible items such as Tylenol, diapers and buns for Hot Dog, for delivery in just 30 minutes. For a fee for delivery $ 3.99, Walmart Custo (Walmart)

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Drone delivery There is no new concept because Amazon, DHL and FedEx have used packages technology in recent years.

Amazon said that up to five pounds were delivered by a drone to the College Station in Texas and parts of Phoenix in Arizona.

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