Gabi Petto's parents threw shadow on the Brian Lundri family in A. New documents This reveals additional details about the timing of the killing of their daughter at the hands of her fiancé in the Wild Wild, especially the claim that they had recorded $ 25,000 for a prominent lawyer while they were announcing their ignorance of the crime.
“You will throw $ 25,000 of your hard -winged money on Wyoming lawyer, and you tell me that you did not ask where it was?” Joseph Betito says in “American killing: Gabi Betito.”
The batch came three days after Lindri took his parents and less than a week after Betito was last seen alive.
He added: “This is some bulls —, I will tell you that now.”
Brian Lindri's sister is overwhelmed by the family amid new explosive documents

Joe Betito and Tara Betto in “American Killing: Gabi Betito” (Netflix)
Her father, Jim Schmidt, chanted his fears.
“I don't think the amount of money they paid is that their lawyer is nothing less than someone's murder.”
The aforementioned lawyer is Tom Flenener, an old army warrior and former Jag's lawyer who included their clients, the Bay of Guantenamo Ali Bahloul, a former personal guard in 11/9 The terrorist Awsama bin Laden, who killed the naval seals in 2011.
Flener has previously refused to discuss the Laundrie case with Fox News Digital. He did not immediately respond to a request to comment on this story.

Jim Schmidt and Nicole Schmidt in “American Killing: Gabi Betito” (Netflix)
Laundrie's family lawyer, Steve Bertolino, collected $ 25,000 from his customers and used it to keep the Fleener's law. He said that he had not collected any batch of laundries because of his legal role in the epic, which fell in the middle of a lawsuit that was now expanded by Petito's parents.
- 27/27: Gabi Betito saw the last time alive in Jackson, Wyoming
- 8/29: Brian Lundre tells his parents Betito is “gold” in a phone call “Frantic”
- 8/30: Laundrie sends false texts from the Petito phone to itself and its mother
- 9/1: Lundri arrives at his parents ’house in Florida, while driving a Petitose car
- 9/2: Brtolino enters a drawing agreement with Wyoming Law Firm on behalf of Lindri
- 9/6-7: Laundrie family goes to camp in Fort Deso Park
- 11/9: I mentioned Betito missing
- 9/13: Laundrie escapes from the FBI control, leaves his parents ’house and takes his private life
- 9/19: The remains of Beatto are discovered near the camp site outside Jackson

While social media narrated one story, there was a dark side of a wild journey across the country by Jabi Betto and Brian Lundre, in the picture here in “American Killing: Gabi Betito”. (Netflix)
Bertolino arranged for the local defense lawyer after Brian Lundri made a panic call to his father from Wyoming, saying repeatedly “Gabi Gold”, according to court documents.
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Christopher Lundrei denied knowing the death of Pitto at the time, and he said through his lawyer that his son was suspended before sharing more details.
“Brian commented on Chris. He became a year.

Chris and Roberta Lindri are displayed in the Mikahi Crake Environmental Park in the morning when the police found the remains of the skeleton of her son. (Michael Ruiz/Fox News Digital)
Cassie Laundrie is launched after the Gabby Peetito murder
Christopher and Roberta Lindri admitted that they had concerns Betito's luxury After the invitation, but he denied knowing the killing. Brian Lundri called his right to remain silent, but he finally left behind a suicide note and confession.
Brian's sister, Cassi Lindri, was expected to witness the case, but her interview was canceled before the two sides reached a settlement.
“She had no information related to litigation issues,” said Bat Riley, a lawyer for Petito's father.

Gabi Betito, 22, disappeared in August 2021 and was later found dead near the camp site, which she shared with her fiancé Brian Longri. (Steve Petto)
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Cassie Laundrie denied knowing her parents' conversations with her brother and recently claimed that the police investigator, whose voice could listen to in the Bodycam video, misunderstood them.
Since the case was occupied by national newspapers in 2021, Betito's parents have become defenders of missing persons and domestic violence victims.
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