The Simpsons' Duffman made the first appearance in an episode

In the Simpsons episode, New York City VS Homer Simpson (September 21, 1997), Homer (Dan Castellaneta), drinks in the local diving bar with friends. Anyone is a good time as an alcoholic, which is an alcohol on the night in the night, the night of Barney (Castellaneta). Barney is already shouting, shouting, yello “Oh yes” tints, when cutting their thoughts. Outside, Duff be beer partymobile and a Duff-branded corporate mascots file into Moe's pub. The party is about to start as clearly as a corporate gimmick. In the middle of the brother Duffman (Hank Azaria)Asking the room and a beer-themed superhero who asked for everyone's ready to be ready to be ready to be ready. Barney's free barrel offers a barrel of a free barrel. Barney should give up.

Barney finally snaps while drunk drunk driving. He takes everyone in his hand and then goes joyful in Homer's car. The next morning, Homer received a call from the New York police station, a few states. As can be seen, the car is parked illegally, with the opening … in the center of the city in the center of the city. To get the car back, Homer has to fly to New York. Homer finds a deposit between the world's world trade central buildings. As he could imagine, his efforts were exhausted to exhausting the vehicle, brewed with dirty and crab juice and Kholav Koras.

Of course Not the best episode for fans in IMDBBut it is likely that many are likely to see. Among the World Trade Center Towers, a large part of New York Vs. Homer Simpson was enjoyed with the episode of Andokatiya after the events of September 20, 2001. This was approved by Simpsons. Writer / Manufacturer Bill Oakley “New York” DVD commentary track.

Duffman's debut was unavailable.

Duffman's debut! Banned! For the reasons for taaaaaste!

Duffman, it should be noted that when the writers need a mascot on the above mascot or a corporate shilla to provide a scene, the Simpsons became an ordinary character. So far, the character appeared in 24 episodes.

In a DVD statement for the New York City, Bill Oakley, the festivities, in the event of the 9/11 attacks, he said. The audience was not ready to see a comedy series where the towers are still standing and the objects of jokes. Indeed, there is a scene in New York, where an office worker in the 2nd tower is based on the window and shoutes a worker in the 1st Tower. “Sticking to curls in Tower One” says he wants. This joke is funny in 1997, but was less funny in 2001.

For several years, the newer “Simpsons” fans thought of where the Duffman came. Of course, his appearance in his “New York” does not really explain a lot; His presence is quite clear as a corporate mascot.

Additionally and very strange, coincidence. In the episode at a time, BART (NANCY CARTWRight) The city signifies a brochure that offers a $ 9 taxi tour. “$ 9” is placed next to a screen of world trade towers, “9-11”. But it was just an eerie coincidence.

This, of course, did not have concerns about the aging of The Simpsons. In 2011 The producer interviewed by Al Jean Ew The show's Fukushima talked about talking about a nuclear power plant (working Homer working Homer) in a world that melts in Japan. Jean, Simpsons writers noted that Homer's work is a little small in several years.

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