The suspect in the Christmas cake poisoning was found dead in the prison cell

A Brazilian woman who is suspected of poisoning her husband's family was found with a dead Christmas cake in her cell in prison, while the police believe that it is likely to commit suicide.

Deise Moura Dos Anjos, 42, was in detention before the trial since January after the trial prosecutors accused her of Christmas Eve of three relatives and an attempt to kill three others.

All the victims had ate from the cake, which found forensic experts to baked with the flour contaminated with deadly poison.

The police were also investigating if she had killed her husband's father, who died in September.

Forensic experts who extracted his body found high levels of arsenic, which led them to believe that, also, it might poison.

Mora Doss Angus denied any violations, but local police chief Clipper Doss Santos Lima told the reporters last month that he was “sure that she had searched and bought (…) and used the poison to kill his victims.”

He added that the police found evidence that they had bought arsenic on four separate occasions.

Investigators tested many foodstuffs in the home of Mora Doss Angus, where the six victims were injured, in order to find the source of poisoning.

Ultimately, they found high levels of the sky or arsenic in the flour-some of which used to the mother-in-law of Mora Doss Anjus, Zilli Doss Anjus, to bake the Christmas cake.

While Zilli Doss Angus had ate from the cake and seriously hit the disease, the police soon excluded her as a suspect even though she had prepared the cake.

Zelly Dos Anjous survived, but two of her sisters died and one of her daughters died.

Her 10 -year -old grandson and one of her sisters were among those who were poisoned but recovered.

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