The swallowing of sharks gives an internal view of their mouth

A shocking video clip shows what the prey often sees during their last moments after it was swallowed by a shark in the “Jaws” meeting.

The shots were arrested on February 9 by the diver Andrea Ramos Naskmanto during a shark feeding off the coast of Fribport in the Bahamas, according to the story news.

American tourists felt that they were “paying” before the shark attack in the famous Bahamas of the Bahamas resort

From inside the mouth of the tiger shark

The view of three divers from inside the mouth of the tiger shark. (Andrea Ramos Nascimento/Peter Strom/ALOHA Divers OKINAWA & EPIC DIVING Through the Story)

When a divers with Nascimento opened a fish cage to throw many tiger sharks, one of them picked up the camera with the camera.

The shark continued to bite and partially swallow the camera in his mouth. The diver tried to pull it away as the video appears inside The mouth of the creature.

American tourists attacked the shark in the Bahamas Islands area

Inside the mouth of the shark

The look of the tiger shark from the inside. (Andrea Ramos Nascimento/Peter Strom/ALOHA Divers OKINAWA & EPIC DIVING Through the Story)

At some point, the camera appears divers outside while keeping the shark. In the end, the camera spits, most likely realizes that she was not edible.

Tiger sharks are one of the largest sharks, with a length of 18 feet, According to the Florida Museum.

The tiger shark is near the camera

A tiger shark is seen closely through the underwater camera. (Andrea Ramos Nascimento/Peter Strom/ALOHA Divers OKINAWA & EPIC DIVING Through the Story)

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The museum website is referred to on the museum website: “Tiger shark, bull sharks and white sharks are usually referred to as” the three adults “for their participation in shark attacks.”

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