Although the miracle has great and downs in the last few years, it is so far as a common wisdom so far, when it comes to a cinematic comic book adaptations, it has always been better or least more consistent than DC. Warner Bros-LED DC distribution goals, like Batman and Superman, as Different Directors and Zarkers like Batman and Superman, as Different Directors and Zarkers like Batman and Superman, because of different directors as different directors and hits. Yes, some DC comics movies have been amazing as the “dark knight” trilogy, but then there are movies like “Batman V superman: justice” or are movies like “Catwoman” or “Catwoman” or “Catwoman” or “Catwoman”.
And the last two films are the most popular among the headers of DC, because they cannot claim the suspect's honor to be the worst DC film, because the limits for ratings in IMDB. Looking at the IMDB rating of a film, this folder may not tell you both stories, but also as high as users on the website, but the integrated site may not be impressive. “Catwoman,” For one, there's pretty low IMDB accountGiven the poor quality and weak penetration of the open film, it is from 10 to 3.4. But no, the other is not the worst. What did this gold turkey win? Well, this will be the 1997 superhero movie “Steel“With a 3.0 Imdb. Do you remember “Celik”?
Quickly Forgotten Box-Office Flop Steel has the worst DC rating in IMDB
Warner can be forgiven to remind you of any details of the “steel” film. When released in mid-August 1997, the most sold point of the film was simple: NBA Superstar Shaquille was a leading in the film of the O'Neal Super Hero? The Shaq was popular to this point, a) owned his nickname and b) he has already starred in another film in connection with his presence and name recognition. Although Sag maybe not as a player in court, Michael Jordan, Another NBA legend that appears in the family film “Space Jam”, a well-known amount and superhero films did not completely exceeded this point. Of course, one's downside one “Steel“This is the second DC Super Hero of the 1997, the same degree of suspect. Other title?” Batman and Robin, “It was not of any theater characteristics with the Cape Canadian and was with three films.
So “Celik” made a harsh movement to watch everyone. But at the same time, it is based on a character that many people know, this is the very low budget for a superhero film, it was only $ 16 million. Even with this low budget, the film's cash register was almost a funny anemic, and they were all about 2 million dollars when they were said and seen. While the story, John Henry IRons (Onabethetheth, “Annabethetheth,” Annabethetheth, “Irons,” Annabethetheth, “Iron Man” is a smaller scale. (This is the way of the family. (It says the film Production recordsThe manufacturer and music tab Quincy Jones says that more superhero than steel is more “super man”.)
Of course, it has the presence of its ShaQuILLE O'NEal. Popularity on the one hand has passed to NBA; One of the hiccups of production was to understand the preparations for a new season in Los Angeles Lakers in the summer Olympic Games in 1996. On the other hand, the family of “Kazamam” was also clear, the film “Kazam” became clear in the big screen in the court. In short, his moving talents were not impressive, that is, the center of the film did not intend to be charming in the necessary. (And the writer of the film Kenneth Johnson would say later O'Neal Casting was wrong.) The box is almost as horrible to the shock, “Steel” is more than 1250 theaters and more than $ 870,000.
Steel disappeared quickly from the public eye but made a negative pointing with fans
In fact, almost impressive, “Catwoman” from Catwoman “Catwoman” is a larger, larger flop, a larger flop, a larger IMDB rating of “Catwoman”. Warner Bros. Pictures images, “steel” with “steel” with “steel” with “steel” with “steel” with “steel” with “steel” and “Catwoman” as well as “ShaQuILLE”. The character was fresh in ten years and an Oscar victory in the star Halle Berry. However, more than 100,000 people are evaluated in IMDB as Catwoman, this is a few of the “Celik”.
“Celik” could work so far? It is easy to think that Johnson's Wesley Snaypes will be useful because it is useful to play a different leading person to play the title character. Instead, the snipers know the vampire Marvel superhero blade in a successful trilogy (potentially revealed in this point, or when it will be potentially, or when it will actually happen). Storm of playing this unfortunate hero in O'Neal, this failed hero thanks to one of the most giant modern NBA players. Thinking the sooner the box office is forgotten, we can only think that the most widely-envy of the most sensitive negative ratings in IMDB, even less well-known heroes and are dedicated to the end result.