Behavioral design expert Nir Eyle says that maintaining a good habit is not an easy thing, but one of the mental breaches that can help stay steadily is preaching to that.
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to prepare decisions The easiest to follow it. How many times have we sat at the end of the year, we decided that we will eat more healthy or wake up early to go to the gym three times a week? Just to break these promises before the end of January.
However, the ability to develop and maintain good usually is very important to live a healthy life.
According to the World Health Organization, Noncommunicable diseases (NCDS), including heart disease, stroke and diabetes, combined for 74 % of all deaths in the world. While these diseases tend to be the result of a group of genetic, physiological and environmental factors, behavioral factors also enter play.
Some of the biggest behavioral risk factors – and can be prevented – include the following: insufficient physical activity, unhealthy diets, harmful use of alcohol and tobacco, according to the month of December. a report By from.
However, there is a single brain penetration that can help maintain a healthy habit: preaching. This is according to Nir Eyal, the most -selling behavioral design expert, “It cannot be unbearable: how to control your attention and choose your life.”
Re -engineering
The idea is to use preaching as a tool for re -engineering or strengthening your identity. Eyel said that this can help you become more consistent with a good habit.
“From the time ago, the joke heard: How do you know that someone is vegetarian? Don't worry, will tell you,” Eyal wrote in LinkedIn recently. mail.
“This is not just a joke – it reveals something strong about behavior. People who adhere to philosophy – whether it is vegetarian, keto or intermittent fasting – are the ones who talk about it,” he said.
When you tell others: “Kito is the way”, or “I read this book, and now I am a follower of this methodology”, or whatever it is – through preaching, you are more likely to adhere to it.
Nir Elay
The author, “It cannot be recognized: how to control your attention and choose your life”
This is because preaching can help promote identity. In the same way that the vegetarian may not wonder whether it will eat a slice for dinner or not, or that someone is Kushir will not wake up and wonder whether he should eat bacon to eat breakfast.
“When you tell others:” Kito is the way, “or” I read this book, and now I am a follower of this methodology, “or whatever it is – through preaching, it is more likely that you adhere to it.” CNBC make it. “What can be just an opinion, it becomes an identity, when it is very difficult to form it.”
Besides promoting identity, the bias of consistency is another reason for preaching to help in compliance with a good habit, according to EYAL.
If you look at work from the eighties by Robert SieldiniIt is a well -known principle that we seek to agree with our past behavior, and in psychology, we call this a The consistency is biasedEyal said.
“We don't want to be inconsistent because it makes us look like liars,” he said. “So, if you say one thing, you are seeking to be consistent with what you said. And from paradoxes, even if you want to change your opinion in your depths, because you were already committed to it.”
Social pressure also plays a role. “When we announce something public, we bear this based on our social bonds,” said Eyal. He explained that there is fear that if we abandon our customs or beliefs in public, it may be reflected badly on us or rejecting our society.
“We are a very social type, so anything that threatens our collective identity is very terrifying, so we are more likely to remain fixed,” said Eyal.
But an important warning is that we should not be a “jerk” on this topic.
“This is also a great way to lose friends. If people think you are putting yourself in one group and putting them in a different group – you can be harmful. So you want to make sure that (while) is something useful for you, (it) does not alienate others.”
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