Trump calls for the law of the enemies of the strange wart

president Donald Trump On Saturday 1798, the Foreign Enemies Law called for targeting the designated foreign terrorist organization Tren De Aragua (TDA) hours after a federal judge in Washington, DC, that the law cannot be used to deport five Veneers.

The War Time Law, which allows the deportation of the indigenous population and the citizens of the enemy's nation without a hearing, three times, during the 1812 war, the First World War and World War II.

All Venezuelan citizens, 14 years old or older than TDA members, are inside US Permanent or legal residents in the United States cannot be arrested, restricted, secured and removed as “foreign enemies”, according to an announcement.


Previous reports say that the alleged members of the Tren De Aragua gang have crossed a residential building in Aurora, Colorado, and the shipment of rent against “protection”. (Edward Romero)

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Hours before the signing of the law, a lawsuit was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, the Democracy striker and ACLU in the province of Colombia, claiming that the advertisement could be used to deport any Venezuelan in the country, regardless of whether it was a member of TDA.

Senior to American boycott judge James E Poesberg from Capital Department It was granted a temporary restriction that prohibits the deportation of five Veneerses already in reserving immigration for two weeks.

The Trump administration resumed the restriction order, claiming that it is inappropriate to delay a presidential law before its announcement, Fox 32 Chicago I mentioned.

Peru Police is carrying out many members of the Treen de Aragua criminal organization in Lima on October 5, 2023. On Thursday, the Peru police arrested the alleged leader and 31 other members in a faction of Treen de Aragua, the criminal organization born in Venezuelan who is planting a terrorist in several South American countries, according to the authorities. The attack was carried out against what is considered the most dangerous gang operating in Peru in several regions of the country.

The Peruvian police transport many members of the Trine de Aragwa Criminal Organization in Lima on October 5, 2023. (Cris Bouroncle/AFP via Getty Images)

A second session is scheduled for Saturday afternoon to prove whether the demand for everyone should be expanded at the risk of removal under the law.

“The United States is not in war, and it has not been invaded. The expected protest of the President of War time – which is unnecessary to perform legal immigration enforcement – is the last step in the accelerated authoritarian play.”

“From incorrectly arresting American citizens to violate societies' ability to worship peacefully to try now incorrectly, calling a law responsible for some of our shameful actions in our nation, the migration agenda in this administration is illegal as much as it is harmful.”

A personal hearing on the advantages of the lawsuit is scheduled to be held on Monday.

Urra Police is investigating an alleged home invasion that may be associated with the migrant gang, TRIND de Aragoa.

Police officers are looking for evidence in residential buildings on 12 and Dallas in Ura, Colorado, December 17, 2024. (Fox News Digital)

This step meets the promise of the campaign that was held during a gathering in October, when Trump announced that he would use the law to combat TREN De Aragua (TDA) members in the United States

Tren de Aragua (TDA), designated as a foreign terrorist organization on February 20 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, He has thousands of members, many of whom say the White House says they illegally infiltrated the United States and “running an irregular war and performing hostile measures against the United States.”

Colorado officials confirmed that TDA occupied entire residential complexes in Aurora, noting that a special work group had to be created to combat its activities.

Trump to summon the law of foreign enemies in wartime in 1798 to a rapid deportation of illegal immigrants

As of September 11, 2024, the Aurora Police Department linked the gang to about ten people, which led to eight arrests.

Two of the eight individuals who were detained in a shooting in July participated in one of the specified real estate in the city that suffered statement. “In line with these arrests, we can now confirm that criminal activity, including TDA issues, has greatly affected these characteristics.”

Maduro holds his fist

The Venezuelan Socialist Dictator Nicholas Maduro, right (Fox Nation)

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The White House said the gang continued to engage in illegal mass migration to the United States “to” strengthen its goals of harming the citizens of the United States, “which undermines public safety.

TDA works in conjunction with Cártel de Los Sones, which is the Nicolás Maduro, which is based in Venezuela, and is associated with brutal crimes, including crimes, kidnapping, extortion, officials between humans, forests and weapons, according to the White House.

She grew greatly while Tarik Al -Issami, the ruler of Arajwa, occupied between 2012 and 2017. In 2017, Issami, Vice President of Venezuela, was appointed.

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Soon after, the Treasury EL Aissami set a specially prepared store under the foreign kingpin appointment law, and is still fleeing to the United States.

In 2020, Maduro, other members of the regime were accused of drugs and other crimes in an alleged plot against America.

Louis Cassiano of Fox News Digital contributed to this report.

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