Ubaid statue resembling archaeological alien trunks in Kuwait

A strange, alien-like clay head dating back thousands of years has been unearthed during excavations in Kuwait, leaving archaeologists baffled as to how it came to be.

In a press release published by the University of Warsaw on November 28, the school explained that researchers from the Kuwaiti-Polish Archaeological Mission The artifact was found in Bahra 1, an archaeological site in the Subiya area in Kuwait.

The press release described the artifact as “one of the excavation's most notable finds,” describing it as a “small finely crafted clay head characterized by an elongated skull, slanted eyes, and a flattened nose.”

The statue dates back to the Ubaid period in ancient Mesopotamia, which preceded the Bronze Age. Archaeologists estimate that this artifact was manufactured during the sixth millennium BC, making it between 7,000 and 8,000 years old.

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Alien statue

Archaeologists recently discovered a 7,000-year-old statuette that resembles an alien. Researchers discovered the non-terrestrial shape while drilling at a site in Kuwait called Bahra 1. (Sonus)

The Warsaw University statement noted that similar statues of slaves had been found before, but this artifact was the first of its kind to be discovered in the Arabian Gulf.

“Its presence raises interesting questions about its purpose and the symbolic, or perhaps ritual, value it held for the people of this ancient society,” Professor Piotr Bielinski said in the press release.

The archaeologists also noted that they had discovered two distinct types of pottery at the site, and described the find as “pivotal” to the study of the Ubaid period.

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“From the beginning, excavations at the site have revealed two types of pottery: Ubaid pottery, known to have been imported from Mesopotamia, and a completely different type known as Coarse Red Ware (CRW) known from sites in the Arabian Peninsula.” The press release explained.

The statement added, “The latter type has long been described as being produced locally in the Gulf region, but the actual places of its production have remained unknown until now.” “Conclusive evidence recently came from the Bahra 1 site, including an unburned clay pot.”

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Joint Kuwaiti-Polish archaeological team. (Sonus)

The findings confirm that Bahra 1, one of the oldest and largest known settlements in the Arabian Peninsula, is also the oldest known pottery production site in the Arabian Gulf.

The excavators also found small parts of plants that were added to the clay during pottery making. Next, the researchers will conduct an archaeobotanical analysis of the plant material to identify local plants during the time period.

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Dr. Roman Hovsepyan said: “Early analyzes revealed traces of wild plants, especially reeds, inside locally produced pottery, while remains of cultivated plants, including cereals, such as barley and wheat, were found in imported Ubaid vessels.”

The Kuwaiti-Polish archaeological mission intends to continue studying the site, and hopes to find “more discoveries and insights about the intersection of the Arab Neolithic and Mesopotamian cultures, as well as developing further cooperation between specialists in Polish and Kuwaiti heritage.” male.

Ubaid pottery

An example of slave pottery, found at the Eridu settlement. It dates back to the sixth or fifth millennium BC. (Getty Images)


“Ongoing excavations reveal Bahra 1 as an important site for understanding cultural exchanges between Arab Neolithic societies and the slave culture that spread from Mesopotamia to a vast region, from Anatolia to the Arabian Peninsula,” the press release said. “Recent research at Bahra 1 has contributed new information to the image through several unique discoveries.”

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