Vertex Pharmaceuticals' Nonpioid Pain Medication gets FDA approval

NEOPIOID Painkillers made by Vertex Pharmaceuticals have received adult approval from Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

“First in class” of Suzetrigine pain On Thursday, he received green light to treat mild to severe acute pain in adults, the federal agency said.

Medicines reduce pain “targeting a path signaling pain involving sodium channels in the peripheral nervous system before the pain signals reach the brain” according to FDA.

Ukraine - 2023/12/29: On this illustration is the Vertex Pharmaceuticals logo on the smartphone and graphics of the stock market on the PC screen. (Illustration of Pavlo Gonchar/SOPA Images/Lightracket Photo through Getty Images)

Vertex Pharmaceuticals logo on smartphone. (Pavlo Gonchar/Sopa Pictures/Lightrocets Vitty Images/Getty Images)

Journavx will be used as a brand.

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The CEO of Vertex Reshma Kewalramani offered Journavx as “the first new pain class for more than 20 years”, added that the company has “the opportunity to change acute pain control and create a new standard of care”.

The drugs resulted in a “statistically significant” reduction in pain compared to placebo within two days in patients in pairs of experiments who received abdominal abilities and buunionicamia, according to vertex. The experiments were randomized, double -blind, placebo -controlled and active controlled.

“The new nepioid analgesic therapeutic class for acute pain offers the opportunity to alleviate certain risks associated with the use of opioid for pain and provides other patients Treatment“Director of FDA for evaluation and reigning research by FDA Jacqueline Corrigan-train said.

FDA HQ means in Marylnd

Sign for food and drug management outside the head of the White Oak in Maryland. (Sarah Silbiger / Getty Images / Getty Images)

Vertex said that nearly 10% of patients initially gave opioids to suppress acute pain, end with opioids that can be addictive for a longer period of time.

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According to the company, the wholesale cost of the acquisition of Journavx will be $ 15.50.

The FDA said Suzetrigine was “contraindicated” for people using “strong CYP3A inhibitors”. It is also recommended that patients taking nepioid drugs vertex do not eat or drink anything containing grapefruit.

Ticker Security Last Conversion Change %
Bound Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc. 461.68 +23,28


After the announcement of the acceptance of the FDA Journavx approval, Vertex saw the profits in its shares price, and its shares published more than 5% on Friday. Meanwhile, his market capitalization was around $ 119.81 billion.

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The company also said it was also investigating the application of peripheral neuropathic pain for drugs.

Vertex has been in business since the late 80's. According to its website, the company currently has FDA approval according to its website.

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