Warren Buffett has more money and sells more shares, but it does not explain the reason for the annual message

Warren Buffett walks on the ground and meets the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway before their annual meeting in Omaha, Nebraska on May 3, 2024.

David a. Grogne CNBC

Warren Buffett's defensive position was amazing during the weekend.

94 -year -old CEO Berkshire Hathaway He sold more shares in the last quarter and grew a standard monetary pile over 334 billion dollars, but he failed to explain it in his very expected annual message, why was the investor known for his purchases smart shares with time apparently in the openings.

Instead, Pavit said that this position is in no way to move away from his love for shares.

“Although some commentators are currently viewed as an extraordinary cash position in Berkshire, the vast majority of your money is still in stocks,” Pofit wrote in 2024. Annual message Released on Saturday. “This preference will not change.”

Berkshire's brutal ownership of criticism raised questions between shareholders and observers, especially since interest rates are expected to decrease from their highest levels in the years. The CEO of the President of Berkshire and the Chairman of the Board in recent years has expressed his frustration with an expensive market and a few purchase opportunities. Some investors and analysts have grown impatiently for the lack of work and asked to clarify why.

Despite his frequent sale of shares, Buffett said Berkshire will continue to prefer shares over cash.

“The shareholders in Berkshire can reassure us that we will forever spread a large majority of their money in stocks – most of them are from American stocks, although many of these international operations are of importance,” Bofit wrote. “Berkshire will never prefer ownership of the monetary equivalent assets over the ownership of good companies, whether customized or partially owned.”

The shareholders will have to wait a little longer, and that the net of Omaha's blocs have sold shares for the ninth quarter in a row in the recent period last year, according to the company's annual report, which was also released on Saturday.

Finally, Berkshire sold more than $ 134 billion of shares in 2024. This is mainly due to sales of two larger holders of stocks in Berkshire – apple and Bank of America.

Meanwhile, it seems that Buffett does not find its shameful store as well. Berkshire continued to stop it, and did not restart any shares in the fourth quarter or in the first quarter until February 10.

This is despite the enormous increase in operating profits I mentioned By the bloc on Saturday.

“Often, nothing seems convincing.”

Pavite sits on his hands in the raging bull market that saw the S&P 500 acquires more than 20 % for two years in a row and moved to green again so far this year. Although some cracks began to develop last week with some concerns about the slowdown in the economy, the fluctuations of rapid political changes from the new President Donald Trump and comprehensive stock evaluations.

Berkchire shares have increased by 25 % and 16 %, respectively, in the past two years, and 5 % have increased so far this year.

Puffett may have made a small hint about stock assessments as a source of concern in the message.

“We are neutral in our choice of stock vehicles, and investing in any of the diversity based on the place where we can spread the savings (and my family) better,” Buffett wrote. “Often, nothing seems convincing; we rarely find ourselves deeply at opportunities.”

In this year's speech, Pavite supported the appointed successor, Greg Abel, in his ability to choose equity opportunities, and even his comparison with the late Charlie Monage.

“Often, nothing seems convincing; we rarely find ourselves deeply at opportunities. Greg clearly showed his ability to act at times as Charlie did,” said Pavit.

At the annual meeting of the past year, Buffett surprised many by announcing that Habel, the deputy head of insurance operations, It will have a final opinion on all investment decisions in BerkshireIncluding supervision of the public stock portfolio.

Some investors and analysts have speculated that the governorate's governorate's movements in the past year are not an invitation in the market, but it is preparing for the company by exfoliation of huge positions and building money for him to publish one day.

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