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The United States survived for two centuries without a Ministry of Education Federal You can do it again. Within 45 years, the department was present, students did not make much progress. For example, children at the age of nine years do not read better today than they did when the section was created in 1979.
The truth is that the presence of an agency at the cabinet level devoted to education did not make our children more intelligent, our schools are better or our academic achievement is stronger-and it has added to Frozen growth in educational spending.
Reducing its reduction, perhaps combining some jobs in other departments, and removing the signal from the door – any such step you will need to approval of Congress but will not harm the children of today or the future of the nation. We say this as the former education trustees – one for President Ronald Reagan and the other for President George Herpeter Bush.
Trump praised the empowerment of states and parents with the elimination of the education department
What can cause severe damage – this is a direct concern Dog ventures his wide ax – It cancels some vital programs and responsibilities currently in the education department.

One of the most important things the Ministry of Education is the “Nation Report Card”, which helps us to know how students perform. (Istock)
This agency does three important things – all of which need a comprehensive repair, but they are all very important to ignore it. Let's not throw these children with bathing water.
The first is the “Nation Report Card”. This regular accounting is collected by a unit called the National Center for Education Statistics, which collects basic data, manages the main tests of the student's performance, and the entire country informs how its children work in 3RS, as well as American history, closeness and science. Without those data – which were collected regularly, were carefully analyzed and accurately reported – we will not know much about educational responsibilities. Congress appointed the government for the first time in a law issued in 1867:
“… (c) showing such statistics and facts that must show the state of education and progress in many states and regions, and to publish this information that respects the organization of schools and school systems, and teaching methods, and it must also help the people of the United States in establishing and maintaining effective school systems, and living in this the cause of education throughout the country.”
After more than a century and a half, we still need all of that!
The second is to compensate for the civil rights violations of students. We are talking here about actual violations, not searching for Orwelli about the “different effects” that often the focus of the perpetrators in the education department in recent years. But whether he is a child suffering from disabilities that does not get a kind of education she needs, or that a minority child refused to enter a qualified college, or a Jewish student (or a Muslim) who is harassed in the campus, the mission of the Ministry of Education is to try to solve the problem. (It is imagined that the Ministry of Justice can deal with this, but its hands are very full these days!)
Third, the Ministry of Education distributes federal dollars to various programs and services in schools and colleges. This garden definitely needs weeds. It is better-as we have suggested that each of them in the past-the money in most K-12 programs should be “broken” to countries.
The Senate legislation in 2014 recommended that the states be allowed to transfer 41 % of federal secondary primary dollars to 2,100 scholarships that follow 11 million children from low -income family to the approved schools you choose. Similar legislation suggested such federal scholarships for children with disabilities – which many states are already doing.
With the spread of school selection with local dollars (often), children follow up to the schools they are already attending, large federal programs still use loud formulas that distribute money to schools in ways that may never reach young people who aim to benefit from.
This agency does three important things – all of which need a comprehensive repair, but they are all very important to ignore it. Let's not throw these children with bathing water.
It is different in the higher ED, where we offer scholarships to the needy university students who accompany them to the colleges they are already attending. If such vouchers – what is Pell – helped create the best colleges, why don't you use them to create the best schools?
This would eliminate the layers of bureaucracy, achieve the competitive injections in the education system, and Uncle Sam comes out through decision makers in the state, especially parents who make the best school options for their children.
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The Ministry of Education contains many bleak bath water that must be drained. But three children wander around. Clean it, definitely, but do not expel them.
Lamar Alexander and Bill Bennett served as Minister of Education in the United States for George Haw Bush and Ronald Reagan, respectively.
Lamar Alexander was elected by the American Governor and Senator from Tennessee. He also held the position of President of Tennessee University and US Secretary of Education for President George H Bush. He participated in the establishment of a law firm in Nashville and two successful companies.
Click here for more William J. Bennett