What is chemical mouth? The painful condition that most cancer patients suffer from

During active Cancer treatment, Patients face many small battles on the path to remission.

One of these less well -known struggles is a case known as ChemicalA painful side effect of chemotherapy and radiation.

For some, chemical mouth can lead to oral ulcers and other uncomfortable symptoms, such as limited ability to eat, drink, or even speak, according to experts.

“I survived cancer – this is what I cut from my kitchen.”

In an interview with the camera with Fox News Digital, Dr. Rajev Siani, a dentist and gum specialist from Katy, Texas, discussed a rare case.

A woman who suffers from pain in the mouth or dental pain

The chemical mouth affects 90 % of all patients with head and neck cancer, according to experts. (Istock)

like Cancer rates The high trend throughout the United States – with the National Cancer Institute expected that 26 million people will be diagnosed by 2030 – SAINI said that the chemical mouth is likely to be one of the most common side effects.

Among those who have head cancer or neck, 90 % will face these symptoms. Of all the survivors of cancer, about 40 % of this condition will suffer.

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SAINI, a graduate of the Harvard University College of Medicine, detailed how the main symptoms of the chemical mouth are red, swollen and painful in the mouth, also known as oral mucositis.

Patients may also have a burning sensation that can be intensified by Hot food. They also face greater risk of fungal infections.

Kansker ulcers on the upper lip of women

A doctor said that the immune system weakens during chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which limits the body's ability to achieve the correct balance of minerals. (Istock)

The chemical mouth can also cause Xerostomia, known as dry mouth, as well as mineral taste, which can disrupt appetite.

“The treatment of cancer harms the salivary glands in the mouth, and it is responsible for producing the appropriate amount of saliva.” “Therefore, it really deteriorates an oral condition.”

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“When your mouth is dry, it lacks all minerals, and all natural enzymes,” he added. “There is a defect in Microbium orally

SAINI participated that one of the “most ignorant challenges” to restore cancer and chemical mouth is that it makes it “almost impossible” to talking to family members, even after overcoming the disease.

The man has no appetite

Chemical mouth can leave cancer survivors, feel isolated from their loved ones, according to experts. (Istock)

“When chemotherapy and radiation increases ulcers, inflammation and dehydration in the oral cavity, even the simplest words become painful,” he said.

“This unannounced side effect does not only affect their ability to communicate, but also affects emotional losses, which makes them feel isolated from their families during a truly overwhelming battle.”

Oral complications prevent

The weak immune system of patients will leave more likely to complications such as chemical mouth, according to SAINI.

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The dentist recommended that cancer patients remain consistent with routine dental tests, especially immediately after diagnosing cancer, to treat any problems that may worsen during treatment.

“You have a window of opportunities where you can go immediately within the next two or three days, and set an appointment with a dentist and clean your teeth,” advised.


The dentist recommended that the newly diagnosed cancer patients see a dentist before starting treatment. (Istock)

“If there is any small first decay and cavity, it should be fixed. If you have an infection from the gums, you should do deep cleaning, so that you are ready.”

SAINI urged cancer patients to stay away from oral washing machines, alcohol rinsing and colorful additives, because these chemicals can be harmful to the immune system at risk. They can also exacerbate the sores and get up to the mouth.

Fix salt water rinsing

Cenie said that rinsing salt water has been proven effective in treating chemical mouth and relieving symptoms.

Specifically, marine salt provides a variety of minerals that can help heal the mouth, such as sodium, calcium, zinc, chrome, and silicon, which SAINI described as “balanced in nature.”

“I am a dentist – to you why should you not keep your toothbrush near the toilet.”

“Sea salt usually works in a very natural way by providing all minerals that help Healing these cells In a much faster way compared to any oral care product, “note.

Tuning water

The expert said that sea salt is the best to recover because of its useful elements. (Istock)

SAINI, the chief scientific official of the Sea Saltwater Rinse H2ocean, refers to research that has found that sea salt has therapeutic effects on the oral cavity, reduces dental complications and speeds up the recovery process.

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Dr. Monique Gary, Surgical oncologist for the breast The chief medical official at ⁠bexa, a California -based breast examination provider, agrees to rinse salt water, or salt in addition to baking soda in water, can be useful.

“I usually rinse the salty water of my breastfeeding water, as it can have a quieter effect,” she told Fox News Digital.

A male carries his cheek in pain, and suffers from dental pain

The alcohol -based oral rinsing can increase the chemical mouth symptoms, and warn experts. (Istock)

Gary said: “Magic mouthwash” is a particularly useful rinse. It usually contains antihistamines and Topical anesthesiaIt may include or do not include antacids, antibiotics and antifungals.

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Gary also recommends that patients avoid dehydration and use a soothing lip balm to prevent cracked lips.

Although dental care is crucial to recovering cancer, there are no dental dental specialists associated with cancer clinics, according to SAINI, which can delay orally care intervention.

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“This is a very large part of the pie that we miss here, which affects the daily life of (patients),” he said.

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