Why did the Christian Bale James Bond refused to play

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There are certain roles that can change the life of an actor. Several of them are as big as James Bond. Iconic Mi6 spy has been a movie staple for more than 60 years, Return to the debut of Sean Connery as “Dr. No” in 007 Every actor who saves for George Lazenby, became a catapult to another Stardom level due to the participation of James Bond Franchise. As a result, it is difficult to imagine the one and the incoming actor that turns down the role. This is what Christian Balei is still.

In the early 2000s, Bale was more than the most promising stars of Hollywood. From the American Psycho, the actor, “James Bond producers, ie Barbara Bond producers, ie Barbara Brokcoli and Michael G. Wilsan,” Die another day “. (However, Brosnan, “Everything or nothing” returned to 007 vote in the video game.(

2012 book “Christian Bale: The inner story of the darkest batma“If Bale flirts shortly, Broccoli is the prospect of” Multi-Britain “, Bale's prospect, Bale's” every stereotype about English and English actors “is said.

Bale then reported “excess serial killer” Director Maryam Harron's director of American Psycho Patrick Bateman. As a serial killer referring to the garden, another conversation is another conversation, but despite the best choice for the role of Bale's garden, the producers were forced to look elsewhere.

Everything worked for Christian Bale and James Bond

As a result, the films such as Broccoli and Wilson, “Road”, the movies like a similar trajectory and “layer cake” and “layer cake” and “layer cake” and “layer cake” and “Damascus Cake” and “Layer Cake” and “Layer Cake” wandered around Daniel Craig. Although justice, Craig did not want to play a role, Even so far goes to listen and sabotage for the parcel. In 2005, he did not work as 007 for the 2005 Casino Royale, which was evaluated as the best film.

Craigin's run was a little uneven, but thanks to the inputs such as “Skyfall”, the mistakes such as “SPECER” were marked as widespread as “as a spectator”. It would be a frantic to say that he was working for James Bond. Fortunately, things worked for Bale, and this would be difficult to say with the benefit of height, with the wrong choice.

Bale, Christopher Nola's “Dark Knight” trilogy went to the star like BatmanAs a result, this is the favorite blocks of the favorite. The best actor for the best actor for the “American Hustle for American Hustle”, the best actor for the best actor for “Big Short,” for the best actor “Vice” for “Big Short,” for the best actor “Vice” for “Vice” for years. Most actors had a career to envy.

It would be a frantic to say that it was processed for both sides. James Bond Franchise was in terrible hands during the Craig period, Bale was still one of his most famous actors in his offspring. The deficiency is not always working in this way when someone is far from the big role. Fortunately, it did in this situation.

You can catch the “Dark Knight Trilogy collection” from Amazon to 4K.

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