Why does ISS stand for?

“Star Trek” franchise has since one or the other since one or the other, it shows that Canon is incredibly wide. It is impossible to know everything to know about “Star Trek” and has a specialty or another of many fans. Some fans are really great on the story and can call great moments of each episode, while others are a characteristic obsessive that can give detailed biographies of the most favorite “Star Trek” characters. And then there are ship fans, everything franchise- There is a lot to know and know everything to know about a variety of space ships in.

There is one large The amount of thought and details of the ship in Star Trek All are built in four outdoor design rules defined by Creative Gene Rodenberryand attention to detail, also draws attention to things like the names of the ship. How Starfleet ships have the rules for building each class, which can cause this Headache for series protesters like Mike McMahan “Star Trek: Low decks” and the federation ships inclined to a destination in the beginning: “USS.”

Although the USS is probably from the US Navy Ships “United States Ship” He stands for something completely different in the Figure Federation of the “Trek” universe. However, there are some vessels in Star Trek with the “ISS” appointment, and it does not mean the “International Space Station” as in the real world, what does it mean?

ISS stands for an imperial star ship in the mirror universe

“Star Trek”, “Star Trek: The original series” entered the idea of ​​a large number of progress returns Captain James T. Kirk visited the mirror universe. For the first time in the episode, the first place in Mirror, Mirror, he visited a strange place for the first time as a direct universe. The mirror universe, creating the “bad” versions of good characters, they are really wild, and vice versa, they are created, they have the main elements of the “bad” versions, which allow them to explode. In the universe in the mirror, the federation has never been existed, and his Carran Empire was overthrown by Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. Terrans were enslaved, and many ships were seized, but these empire built ships still protect the old names that started with ISS: “Imperial star ship.”

Mirror universe “Original Series”, “Star Trek: Nine of the Deep Space,” “Star Trek: Enterprise” “Star Trek: Discover,” And “Star Trek: Low deck”, though it does not happen often as “deep space nine”. A dark office of Francayz, the chief universe, in the end, helped them to create a “new” terran ship in the mirror universe, “The new terran has created a ship: Iss argument based on the US scheme. Is one of the most interesting because it is original defective and The most important ships of all “Star Trek” It is important to help terrans fight against the wrongdoers in the union. Start with “USS” or “ISS” or “Defiant is always awesome.

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