Witness: The judge appointed by Trump, colleagues of guns, in a unique video opposition

Judge Lawrence Vandic of the American Court of Appeal for the ninth district, which was appointed by the president Donald Trump During his first term, a unique video of his kind released when his colleagues voted to support a California ban on magazines that keep more than 10 tours of ammunition.

in 18 minutes video It was uploaded to YouTube in the ninth district, Vandyke argued that other judges in the Court of Appeal lacking “the basic familiarity with firearms to understand the inherent deficient deficiencies and the clear and clear ability of the test proposed by California” when they voted with a margin of 7-4 on Thursday.

Vandic, who was wearing his judicial paradise, wore his personal fiery mechanics for several minutes.

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The judge in the video holding a gun

The opposition video on 23-55805 Denkan against Punta: Judge Lawrence Vandic criticized the American Appeals Court of the Ninth Circle “the basic misunderstanding of how to make firearms” after they voted to support magazine restrictions.

“your Appeals Authority, “It is clear that our role in making realistic decisions. Instead, I share this because the primitive understanding of how weapons make, sell, use and modify them in a common way shows the reason that the proposed tests in California and the one that my colleagues today adopt simply does not work,” Vandic said in the video.

Vandyke went on to say that he could “explain all this in writing”, but it is more effective to appear simply “what it means by showing it. He also said that” he made all weapons and weapons parts unconfirmed “for video purposes for safety purposes.

In its discussion, challenge Vandyke California argument A magazine bearing more than 10 tours of ammunition is just an annex, and not a second -amendment arm, saying that this argument does not agree with the facts of how the Venice works, as a magazine plays a key role in the function of firearms, just like the fire weapon itself.

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Guns on the wall and on the table

Weapons and offensive pistols are seen for sale at Capitol City Arms Supply on January 16, 2013, in Springfield, ILL. (AP Photo/Seth Perlman, File)

California's lawyer Vandyke asked whether the logic that was used to justify the ban of these types of magazines can also be applied to semi -automatic firearms, which carry more tours than old weapons, such as borrowers. He said that the logic behind the prohibition of magazines can extend to the prohibition of automatic women, which suggested that it be a broader and more extremist violation The rights of the second amendment.

“I don't think we can block all semi -automatic weapons,” California lawyer As for the case, he said in the discussion. “The point I was raised, with regard to accessories, I think we have a difference in opinion.”

Van Dyck replied: “This is important, because your argument runs if you can describe the accessories.” “Therefore, you may say that the pistol versus semi -automatic is not an attachment, but this, but this magazine is attached. So, what do you think like the red point scene?

“Your honor, I am not aware of that.” “I want to answer this question and make sure that time is saved for refutation.” The state lawyer went on to say that whether, as an appendix, it is necessary to exercise the right to self -defense.

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The AR-15 rifles are offered for sale in the weapons store. (Reuters/Ping Joan) (Reuters/Ping Joan)

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There The opinion of the majority, The appointed Clinton, Marsha Birzon's judge, wrote that Vandic's video was “somewhat inappropriate” and that he was “appointed in the essence of himself as an expert witness in this case.”

In 2016, California legislative body The Senate Bill 1446, which prohibited the possession of the so -called “large” magazines, or those that maintain more than 10 rounds, starting from July 1, 2017. The draft law imposed fines for those who failed to comply with this ban.

Later in 2016, the 63rd proposal was approved by Voters in California, who merged the provisions of the Senate Law 1446, but also added a criminal penalty to possess illegal illegal magazines after the deadline on July 1, 2017.

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